+39 02 503 14399
Full Professor
Born in Marseille (France) on July 9th 1961. In 1984 and 1989, under the guidance of prof. Howard Alper of the University of Ottawa (Canada), she received the Bachelor with specialization (Summa Cum Laude) and the PhD in Chemistry, earning 24 scientific awards given by private chemical industries or governmental institutions including the gold medal of the General Governor of Canada. She collaborated with prof. GianPaolo Chiusoli of the University of Parma, with a fellowship given by the italian ambassy in Canada (October 1986 – may 1987). Since 1989 she works at the University of Milan. She was Post-doctoral NATO Research Fellow (1989-1991, Prof. Renato Ugo laboratory), Fellow of the University of Milan (1991-1993), CNR fellow (1994), Researcher (1995-1998), Associate Professor (1998-2006) and since 2006 she is Full Professor for General and Inorganic Chemistry. Coordinator of the PhD in Industrial Chemistry (2009-2015 and 2018-2021), member of the Directive Council of the Centro Interdisciplinare Materiali e Interfacce Nanostrutturate (since 2003), member of the Governing Council of the National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM; 2016-2020). “Flavio Bonati” (GICO, SCI;1996) and “Federchimica-per un futuro intelligente” (1998) awards. Her main research interests are the molecular engineering, preparation and nano-organization of coordination compounds with second-order nonlinear optical and/or luminescent properties or for application in dye-sensitized solar cells. Author of 154 publications, 4 book chapters and three patents.