Meet me at AIP2023!

I will give a talk at the Applied Inverse Problems 2023 conference in the minisimposium Robustness and reliability of Deep Learning for noisy medical imaging.

Investigating the Human Body by Light: Neural Networks for Data-Driven and Physics-Driven Approches.

Diffuse Optical Tomography is a medical imaging technique for functional monitoring of body tissues. Unlike other CT technologies (i.e. X-ray CT), DOT employs a non-ionizing light signal and thus can be used for multiple screenings [1]. DOT reconstruction in CW modality leads to an inverse problem for the unknown distribution of the optical absorption coefficient inside the tissue, which has diagnostic relevance. The classic approach consists in solving an optimization problem, involving a fit-to-data functional (usually, the Least Square functional) coupled with a regularization (e.g., ?1, Tikhonov, Elastic Net [2]). In this talk, we refer about our research in adopting a deep learning approach, which exploits both data-driven and hybrid-physics driven techniques. In the first case, we employ neural networks to construct a Learned Singular Value Decomposition [3], whilst in the second case the network architecture is built upon \emph{a priori} knowledge on the physical phenomena. We will present numerical results obtained from synthetic datasets which show robustness even on noisy data.

  • [1] S. R. Arridge, J. C. Schotland. Optical tomography: forward and inverse problems, Inverse problems 25(12): 123010, 2009.
  • [2] A. Benfenati, P. Causin, M. G. Lupieri, G. Naldi. Regularization techniques for inverse problem in DOT applications, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (IOP Publishing) 1476(1): 012007, 2020.
  • [3] A. Benfenati, G. Bisazza, P. Causin. A Learned SVD approach for Inverse Problem Regularization in Diffuse Optical Tomography, 2021. [arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13401]