Current position
Full professor of Sociology, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (since November 2021)
Research interests
Methodology and techniques of social research; value change; religious change; programs evaluation (social policy, education and research); poverty and income support policies
Education and academic career
Associate professor of Sociology, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (March 2015 – October 2021)
Assistant professor of Sociology, Department of Social and Political Studies, University of Milan (December 2005 – February 2015)
Post-doctoral position in Sociology, Department of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II” (June 2003 – May 2005)
Ph. D. in Methodology of social sciences, Department of Social Research and Sociological Methodology, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (November 1999 – October 2002)
Degree in Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento (November 1991 – June 1998)
Visiting researcher and education abroad
Research fellow presso il Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven (novembre 2014).
Visiting researcher at the EUROLAB (European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne (July 2014)
Visiting researcher at the EUROLAB (European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne (November 2012)
37th Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research), University of Essex, Colchester (July 2004)
Visiting researcher at the Zentrum Für Sozialpolitik (ZeS), University of Bremen (January – March 2003)
54th Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques, ISR (Institute for Social Research), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (June – July 2001)
30th Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research), University of Essex, Colchester (July – August 1997)
Academic appointments
Member of the Board (with responsibility for research and evaluation,) Department of Social and Political Sciences (SPS), University of Milan (October 2020 – ).
Director of the Bachelor Programme in Social Sciences for Globalization (GLO) at University of Milan (October 2017 – September 2020)
Deputy Head, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (October 2014 – September 2017)
Scientific coordinator, Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (January 2012 – December 2014)
Faculty member of the Ph.D. Programme in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (since November 2009)
Principal Investigator (PI) for Italy, World Values Survey – WVS (since February 2018)
Principal Investigator (PI) for Italy, European Values Study – EVS (since January 2023)
Member of the Methodology group and Standing group, European Values Study – EVS (since 2020)
Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, World Values Survey – WVS (since January 2022)
Member of spsTREND – Research lab on social and political change “Hans Schadee”, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (since April 2018).
Member of the scientific committee of the following research centres: Data science research center (DSRC), Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca innovazione e cambiamento organizzativo nella pubblica amministrazione (Icona), Laboratorio indagini demoscopiche (Lid), Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca università e società (Chess)
Member of the following research centres: Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca work, training and welfare (Wtw), Centro interuniversitario di ricerca Unires – Italian centre for research on universities & HE systems
Member of the Scientific Committee of Fondazione Intercultura (2022-2027).
Member of the Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) of the CNR project “Fostering Open Science in Social Science Research” (FOSSR) (since September 2023).
Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal RIV – Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione and of the editorial series Valutazione published by Franco Angeli (since November 2017).
Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Polis. Ricerche e studi su società e politica (January 2018 – December 2020).
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Quaderni di Sociologia (June 2018 – September 2023).
Referee for the following journals (Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Comparative Migration Studies, Comunicazione Politica – ComPol, Czech Sociological Review, European Journal of Sociology, European Societies, International Sociology, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Mondi Migranti, On the Horizon, Plos One, Polis, Problemi dell’Informazione, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione – Riv, Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, Scuola Democratica, Social Compass, Sociologia Italiana, Studi Culturali, Welfare e ergonomia) and publishing houses (Franco Angeli, Routledge)
(Page updated to October 2023)