Working Seminar 2011

The aim of this year's working seminar is to give an introduction to a major result in the theory of hyperkaehler manifolds recently proved by Verbistky  (whose proof has been further explained by Huybrechts and Markman, namely the global (birational) Torelli theorem.  A more detailed program and references can be downloaded here

14 June (Tuesday) 11:30 Aula C
Gilberto Bini -  EPW Sextics, III

9 June (Thursday) 14:30 Aula C
Gilberto Bini -  EPW Sextics, II

24 May (Tuesday) 12:30 Aula C
Gilberto Bini -  EPW Sextics, I

19 May (Wednesday) 14:30 Aula C
Paolo Stellari -  A Proof of the Global (Birational) Torelli Theorem for HK Manifolds, II

5 May (Thursday) 13:00 Aula C
Paolo Stellari -  A Proof of the Global (Birational) Torelli Theorem for HK Manifolds, I

14 April (Thursday) 14:30 Aula C
Elisabetta Colombo - Counterexamples to Naive Torelli Theorems

7 April (Thursday) 14:00 Aula C
Paolo Stellari - Monodromy Operators

5 April (Tuesday) 14:00 Aula C
Pawel Sosna - The Birational Kaehler Cone of Irreducible Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds, II

29 March (Tuesday) 14:00 Aula C
Pawel Sosna - The Birational Kaehler Cone of Irreducible Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds, I

23 March 2011 (Wednesday)  14:00  Aula C
Andrea Cattaneo, Sara Filippini - Projectivity Criterion for Irreducible Holomorphic Symplectic Manifolds

2 March 2011 (Wednesday) 15:45 Aula C
Pawel Sosna -  Surjectivity of the Period Map

1 March 2011 (Tuesday)  14:00  Aula C
Bert van Geemen - Introduction to Hyperkaehler (HK) Manifolds

Seminars 2011

Past Seminars

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Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Enriques"
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Cesare Saldini 50
20133 Milano - Italy
Email: mail

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