“The First graduates in APGEST”

The first Master’s Degrees in Analysis, Planning and Sustainable Land Management were proclaimed today, July 17, 2024:

  • Dr. Vecchione, with the thesis “Tor Vergata Sports City: from abandonment to multifunctional park for intergenerational redevelopment. Analysis and future prospects.”
  • Dr. Repetto, with the thesis “Planning bicycle networks – design elements for road safety.”
  • Dr. Recine, with the thesis “Ride to relive – a technical and economic feasibility project for a bicycle connector between city and countryside: the case study of South Milan.”

From tomorrow they will also be APGEST Alumni: a community of geographers and geographers, planners and planners will be created aimed at offering free seminars, collaborations and disseminating information about proposals and calls. UNIMI graduates will thus be able to stay in touch with each other and take advantage of a concrete opportunity for collaboration among colleagues.

Congratulations Doctors!

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