Matteo Guidicelli

Spatio-temporal continuous estimates of SWE in high-mountain regions of Switzerland,
Central Asia and the Himalayas – a novel approach based on machine learning

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2 thoughts on “Matteo Guidicelli”

  1. Lindsey Nicholson

    I’m very interested in the idea of using the winter mass balance data to adjust high elevation reanalysis – this would be such a nice way to ‘re-purpose’ existing glacier data for atmospheric science applications! Are you thinking of doing this for all the winter balance data for the Alps?

    1. Matteo Guidicelli

      thank you very much for your comment!
      Yes, I will do this for all the winter mass balance data for the Alps but also for other regions like Norway, central Asia, … actually, I will do this for all data which is given to the WGMS (and possibly more) and then I will analyze the differences between glaciers/regions and I will try to explain and model those differences.

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