Hi Simone!
Thanks a lot for your poster contribution, it’s really cool work you are presenting here! I have two small and simple questions:
We have a similar goal, but using a completely different approach (https://tc.copernicus.org/preprints/tc-2020-281/). In our time series we found that basically the ablation rates per season can be up to 8m at 2500m elevation in the Swiss Alps. So question 1: When extended to, say, 10m, how sensitive do you think your stake is to freeze-in/drillhole closure? Question 2: What is the measurement resolution and uncertainty? Can you go down to millimeter resolution?
Thanks a lot in advance!
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Hi Simone!
Thanks a lot for your poster contribution, it’s really cool work you are presenting here! I have two small and simple questions:
We have a similar goal, but using a completely different approach (https://tc.copernicus.org/preprints/tc-2020-281/). In our time series we found that basically the ablation rates per season can be up to 8m at 2500m elevation in the Swiss Alps. So question 1: When extended to, say, 10m, how sensitive do you think your stake is to freeze-in/drillhole closure? Question 2: What is the measurement resolution and uncertainty? Can you go down to millimeter resolution?
Thanks a lot in advance!