Collection of past and in progress BSc theses (tesi triennali).
A.Y. 2023/2024
- Francesco Radaelli
Continuous variable quantum key distribution with discrete modulation
(in progress)
A.Y. 2022/2023
- Eugenio Rossini
Physical aspects of optical boson sampling
- Chiara Pellegrini
Entanglement swapping in the presence of noise
- Gabriele Campanello
Encoding based on QAM16 and APSK16 constellations for quantum communication
A.Y. 2021/2022
- Marta Ferrero
Homodyne-like discrimination of coherent states with and without geometrically uniform symmetry
- Matteo Hoxha
Grover search with noisy continuous-time quantum walks
- Alessio Morea
Noisy entanglement assessment with quantum error correction
- Luca Radavelli
Binary and quaternary coherent state discrimination
A.Y. 2020/2021
- Mattia Algranati
Thermally driven engine based on a single atom
- Davide Mapelli
Quantum optical correlations in the absence of intensity correlations
- Gabriel Dan Vamanu
Effect of the relative phases on the Grover search on complete graphs
- Edoardo Zavatti
Capacity of quantum channels based on photon-number-resolving and homodyne detectors
A.Y. 2019/2020
- Giacomo Riccardo Hvaring
Integer number factorization through quantum adiabatic evolution
A.Y. 2018/2019
- Alessia Daleffe
Magnetometry with superconducting qubits
- Davide Piccioni
Stroboscopic dynamics of continuous-variable optical systems
A.Y. 2017/2018
- Alessandro Carbone
From superconducting circuits to quantum bits
- Michele Fossati
Discrete-variable quantum key distribution: security of BB84 and E91 protocols
A.Y. 2016/2017
- Marco Mancini
Ramsey interferometry for the precise measurement of atomic frequency
- Lorenzo Sanfilippo
Implementation of quantum logic gates and quantum computation with trapped-ion systems
A.Y. 2015/2016
- Marco Cattaneo
Quantum key distribution with coherent states and photon-number-resolving detectors
- Andrea Papaluca
Basics of quantum adiabatic computation
- Alessandro Tomella
Continuous-variable free-space quantum communication
- Valeria Vento
Quantum dynamics of a simple avian-compass model in the presence of a RF magnetic field
A.Y. 2014/2015
- Michele Bertoletti
Continuous-time quantum walks: beyond the tight-binding model
- Giulio Campanaro
Qubits and quantum gates using nuclear magnetic resonance
- Michele Opromolla
A simple quantum model for the avian compass and its sensitivity to the geomagnetic field
- Lorenzo Tiberi
Quantum walks and sigle-step implementation via linear optics
A.Y. 2013/2014
- Emanuele Baratelli
Algoritmo quantistico di Deutsch in presenza di rumore
- Maria Popovic
Interferometria quantistica con stati ottici non Gaussiani
- Stefano Rossotti
Bloch oscillations as a resource for quantum computation
- Luca Sguera
Homodyne-like receiver with low intensity local oscillator for phase-diffused coherent signals