The Xtal_Chem_Group website is hosted in the web domain of Università degli Studi di Milano and conforms to the GPDR-compliant EU standards adopted by the Athenaeum. For more information, please visit this webpage.

Your name and a valid e-mail address a are required only if you want to download our molecular simulation machine, MiCMoS, which is released under the general GNU public licence 3.0 or higher for non-profit users and organizations. This information will be stored in our institutional webserver to keep record of MiCMoS users and will not be shared to third parties in any form. Upon registering, you will be automatically added to the MiCMoS mailing list and we will keep you informed on the news concerning the program, including new releases and bugs fixed.

Please note that you have the following rights:

The right to access – You have the right to request us for copies of your personal data.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal data. Please note that in that case we will no more able to keep you informed on new MiCMoS releases and you will no more able to download the program, unless you register again to our portal.

To exert any of these rights, please contact the administrator of the Xtal_Chem_Group website:

Prof. Leonardo Lo Presti, PhD
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Università degli Studi di Milano
Chemistry Department
Via Golgi 19, 20133 Milano, Italy
Phone: +39-02-50314252
Fax: +39-02-50314300