Archivia 12 Ottobre 2020

Online symposium at CUNY on “Language, learning and network”

Fri 4 Dec 2020:  Language, learning, and networks

Learning to understand:  Statistical learning and infant language development
Jenny Saffran, University of Wisconsin

A mathematical theory of learning in deep neural networks
Surya Ganguli, Stanford University and Google

Neural scaling laws and GPT-3
Jared Kaplan, Johns Hopkins University and OpenAI

Sponsored by the Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences and the CUNY doctoral programs in Physics and Biology. 
Supported in part by the Center for the Physics of Biological Function, a joint effort of The Graduate Center and Princeton University.


Seminario “Programming artificial intelligence on quantum computers”

L’8 aprile alle 14.30 ci sarà il seminario virtuale di Enrico Prati (CNR, Milano) su “Programming artificial intelligence on quantum computers”. Collegamento su zoom.


I review the four architectures of quantum computers with their existing implementations, and the three deep learning paradigms respectively.
Next, I introduce the concept of quantum artificial intelligence and I show some recent results, including a quantum perceptron and quantum restricted Bolzmann machines. I conclude by summarizing the directions and the perspectives to exploit quantum artificial intelligence in fields ranging from aerospace, to material design, to finance and many others.