A welcome message,

The 2018 Edition of the Summer School in Pharmaceutical Analysis (SSPA), will focus on Advanced Analytical Methods for Ligand-Target Interaction Studies In Drug Discovery.

We have chosen this subject in consideration of the key role of the analytical methods for Ligand-Target Interaction studies and their applications in many key stages of the drug discovery process, providing high‐resolution mechanistic insights. Such analytical techniques have become key components of drug discovery platforms in many pharmaceutical companies and academic laboratories in the following (among others) fields: kinetic, thermodynamic and structural information on compound–target interactions,  target identification and selection, screening for new hit compounds, ligand optimization, characterizing drug mechanisms and in validating data from biochemical and cellular assays.

SSPA 2018 speakers will cover the different analytical techniques for ligand-target interaction studies as well their application in the different branches of drug discovery. In particular the following techniques will be presented:

X-ray crystallography;  Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM); Surface Plasmon Resonance; microcalorimetry; circular dichroism; NMR; mass spectrometry; Chromatographic/separation techniques.

SSPA2018 participants can choose between two registration packages: an all inclusive registration or a basic registration, this latter not including accommodation.

I hope you find this program of interest and we welcome to the School, scientists and PhD students .

Giancarlo Aldini

Chair of SSPA

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Università degli Studi di Milano

The Summer School in Pharmaceutical Analysis (SSPA) is organized by the Intradivisional group of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and sponsored by the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC).

SSPA is mainly addressed to researchers and PhD students focusing on the different aspects of analysis in drug discovery and development and in drug manufacturing. The course is open to a maximum of 80 students and is held in English.

Confirmed speakers (partial list)

  • Carlo Bertucci (University of Bologna, Italy)
  • Martino Bolognesi (University of Milan, Italy)
  • Enrica Calleri (University of Pavia, Italy)
  • Daniel Cicero (IRBM Science Park S.p.a. and
    Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
  • Helena Danielson (Uppsala University, Sweden)
  • Daniela Jabes (Molecola SA, Switzeralnd)
  • Doriano Lamba (Istituto di Cristallografia – C.N.R., Trieste, Italy)
  • Antonio Macchiarulo (University of Perugia, Italy)
  • Daniele Tedesco (University of Bologna, Italy)
3 borse di studio, che coprono registrazione e soggiorno per giovani soci, non strutturati (dottorandi, assegnisti, borsisti, volontari o giovani ricercatori dipendenti da Enti di Ricerca non accademici) nati dopo nati dopo il 18 settembre 1983