Faculty members

My main research area is the history of Medieval and Renaissance philosophy, in particular the reception and interpretation of Aristotle’s and Averroes’ thought between the 13th and 17th centuries

My research deals with realist metaphysics, rational theology and soteriology in the late Middle Ages.
I am particularly interested in the thought of John Wyclif and his British and Bohemian epigones, and have edited critical editions of several of their texts

My research focuses on the reception of Jewish thought in the Latin Middle Ages, particularly on the transmission of philosophical and scientific texts. I am preparing the critical edition of the Latin translation of Moses Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed. I am also working on religious controversy in the Middle Ages

I work on intellectual and cultural history focusing on the transmission of Arabic, Hebrew, Latin and Greek texts, and on the study of their processes of production, dissemination, and reception. I am interested in medieval cross-cultural studies, particularly in Sicily and the Mediterranean, and I also engage in research in archaeology

I deal with political thought of the late Middle Ages and early Modern age, as well as with aspects of medieval theological reflection

Research fellows

I study the late Medieval and Renaissance philosophical-theological tradition.
The authors I mostly deal with are Marsilio Ficino, Giorgio Gemisto Pletone, Bessarion and Niccolò Scutelli

I work on late medieval philosophy and theology, as well as on history of historiography. I have studied the sources and doctrinal affinities in the tradition between Albert the Great and Nicholas of Cusa, and I am currently investigating themes discussed in the contexts of German university philosophy between 14th and 15th centuries

I am interested in various topics and periods in the history of science and philosophy.
My specific field of research is the work of Galileo Galilei, which I study particularly focusing on his sources, especially Ptolemy and his tradition

PhD Students

Riccardo Brighenti

My PhD project addresses some discussions on the linguistic, propositional, mental, and metaphysical status of the three non-existent entities commonly examined in the tradition of Greek and Latin commentators on the “short” Organon, over the span of a millennium (c. 200-1200)

Martina Buccilli

My research project focuses on the condemnation of Arabo-Islamic philosophy in the Latin Middle Ages and aims at a new critical edition and historical-philosophical commentary of the Errores philosophorum attributed to Giles of Rome. My project also focuses on comparing the Latin and Arabic sources of the treatise, in order to examine the transmission and reception of the falsafa in the Latin world

I work on Roland of Cremona (d. 1259ca), especially focusing on the role of philosophy in the early Dominican Order and on philosophical and scientific debates in early 13th-century Italy

Associate researchers

Aldri Cela
PhD Student
Pembroke College – University of Cambridge

I deal with the influence of Scotist debates concerning soteriology, ecclesiology, and predestination onto the cultural, political, and religious modes of encounter between the indigenous peoples of Central America and Franciscan missionaries in the first half of the 16th century

Luca Defendi
PhD Student
Università degli Studi di Padova

My research focuses mainly on theological anthropology and its developments in the 12th century, with special attention to the production of the school of St. Victor. I am currently working on the Summa sententiarum and its relationships with the coeval context

Giacomo Fornasieri
Assistant Professor
Catholic University of America

My research focuses on ontology and theory of knowledge in the late Middle Ages.
I am particularly interested in the figure and thought of Peter Aureoli, and his reception in 14th-17th centuries. I am collaborating on the critical edition of his Commentary on Book II of the Sentences.

Michele Meroni
Independent Researcher

I deal with the reception of Arabic philosophical and medical works in the Latin Middle Ages. My research activity mainly focuses on psychology, psychophysiology (Parva naturalia) and zoology

Stefano Pelizzari
Research fellow
Università di Trento

I focus on the history of logic, the teaching of the arts in Italy between the 13th and 14th centuries, and the lexicography of medieval Latin. I have devoted my PhD dissertation to terminology and logical structures in Dante’s prose works