
The Lab. is also involved in code development on topics ranging from Inverse problems in hydrogeology to geological modeling. See the following sections for more details.



cmmpy is a Python implementation of the Comparison Model Method, a direct inversion method to determine the hydraulic transmissivity of confined acquifers. For more details, please see the paper: A.Comunian, M.Giudici “Improving the robustness of the Comparison Model Method for the identification of hydraulic transmissivities” - Computers and Geosciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2021.104705



hiegeo is Python module to model stratigraphic alluvial architectures, constrained by stratigraphic hierarchy and relative chronology, described in the paper C.Zuffetti, A.Comunian, R.Bersezio, P.Renard “A new perspective to model subsurface stratigraphy in alluvial hydrogeological basins, introducing geological hierarchy and relative chronology” - Computers and Geosciences DOI : 10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104506