Workshop of Algebraic Geometry

   Seminario di Natale 2018 - December 19-20 2018

Program - December 19, 2018 (Aula C, second floor)

You can download the poster and the program.


Emma Brakkee

Two polarized K3 surfaces associated to the same cubic fourfold

Abstract: For infinitely many d, Hassett showed that special cubic fourfolds of discriminant d are related to polarized K3 surfaces of degree d via their Hodge structures. For half of the d, a generic special cubic has not one but two different associated K3 surfaces. This induces an involution on the moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces of degree d. We give a geometric description of this involution. As an application, we obtain examples of Hilbert schemes of two points on K3 surfaces that are derived equivalent but not birational.


Andrea Ricolfi

A higher rank local DT/PT correspondence

Abstract: Donaldson-Thomas invariants are virtual counts of stable objects in the derived category of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold X. Toda proved the DT/PT correspondence in arbitrary rank, linking DT invariants to PT invariants via wall-crossing in a suitable heart in D(X). We will show a local version of Toda's correspondence, centered at a fixed slope-stable sheaf of a given rank. This generalises the (rank one) local DT/PT correspondence centered at a Cohen-Macaulay curve embedded in X. Our wall-crossing formula is the virtual analogue of a recent Euler characteristic calculation for Quot schemes on 3-folds proved by Gholampour-Kool. Joint work with Sjoerd Beentjes.


Jeff Hicks

Tropical Lagrangian Submanifolds from Lagrangian Cobordisms

Abstract: Mirror symmetry conjectures that there is a relation between the symplectic geometry of a Calabi-Yau manifold X, and the complex geometry of a mirror Calabi-Yau manifold Y. These spaces are expected to have dual torus fibrations over a common affine base Q. One proposed mechanism for this duality comes from comparing symplectic geometry on X and complex geometry on Y to the affine geometry on Q. The recent work of Matessi and Mikhalkin provides a method to lift tropical varieties on Q to Lagrangian submanifolds on X, filling in one of the steps of this comparison. We will construct a version of these tropical Lagrangian submanifolds using a Lagrangian surgery cobordism. If time permits, we will discuss how these Lagrangian submanifolds are homologically mirror to hypersurfaces in toric varieties.