Program - December 19, 2018 (Aula C, second floor)
You can download the poster and the program.
Emma Brakkee
Two polarized K3 surfaces associated to the same cubic fourfold
For infinitely many d, Hassett showed that special cubic fourfolds of
discriminant d are related to polarized K3 surfaces of degree d via
their Hodge structures. For half of the d, a generic special cubic has
not one but two different associated K3 surfaces. This induces an
involution on the moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces of degree d. We
give a geometric description of this involution. As an application, we
obtain examples of Hilbert schemes of two points on K3 surfaces that are
derived equivalent but not birational.
Andrea Ricolfi
A higher rank local DT/PT correspondence
Donaldson-Thomas invariants are virtual counts of stable objects in the derived category of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold X.
Toda proved the DT/PT correspondence in arbitrary rank, linking DT invariants to PT invariants via wall-crossing in a suitable heart in D(X).
We will show a local version of Toda's correspondence, centered at a fixed slope-stable sheaf of a given rank.
This generalises the (rank one) local DT/PT correspondence centered at a Cohen-Macaulay curve embedded in X.
Our wall-crossing formula is the virtual analogue of a recent Euler characteristic calculation for Quot schemes on 3-folds proved by Gholampour-Kool.
Joint work with Sjoerd Beentjes.
Jeff Hicks
Tropical Lagrangian Submanifolds from Lagrangian Cobordisms
Mirror symmetry conjectures that there is a relation between the symplectic geometry of a Calabi-Yau manifold X, and the complex geometry of a mirror Calabi-Yau manifold Y. These spaces are expected to have dual torus fibrations over a common affine base Q. One proposed mechanism for this duality comes from comparing symplectic geometry on X and complex geometry on Y to the affine geometry on Q.
The recent work of Matessi and Mikhalkin provides a method to lift tropical varieties on Q to Lagrangian submanifolds on X, filling in one of the steps of this comparison.
We will construct a version of these tropical Lagrangian submanifolds using a Lagrangian surgery cobordism. If time permits, we will discuss how these Lagrangian submanifolds are homologically mirror to hypersurfaces in toric varieties.