Political leaning and spread of Covid-19 during the US 2020 presidential election

Was there any geographical association between the incidence of Covid-19  and the political preferences of the US electorate in the period of the 2020 presidential election? This is what Kami Hacoyan, Kerem Demirsoylu and Ozge Atli – a group of Bachelor’s students of my class in Comparative Political Systems – asked themselves. You can read their paper here, and also download their data in csv format.


“Piove governo ladro”. Crisi globali e voto economico

Check on NaspRead the synthesis of three of my recent articles dealing with the electoral answer to a crisis situation (written before the Covid19 emergency).

How will the electorate react to the present crisis? What about the myopic attribution of the responsabilities suggested by a realist approach to retrospective voting.  And what about the hypotheses of benchmarking the situation and the capacity of managing the health emergency (tests, vaccines, lockdowns, differentiated policy measures…)?