ALGANT Student seminar – Thursday, May 26th, 2pm, Aula 6

ALGANT Student seminar – Commutative Algebra

Date and time: Thrusday, May 26th, at 2pm
Room: Aula 6

Lecture 1: Riccardo Ghezzi
Title: Cohen-Macaulay rings and Gorenstein rings.
Abstract: In this lecture we will show the main properties of Cohen-Macaulay rings, as their good behaviour in terms of dimension, and of Gorenstein rings. In particular, introducing the definition of injective hull, we will characterize Gorenstein rings as Cohen-Macaulay rings of type 1.

Lecture 2: Francesco Monopoli
Title: Unique factorization in regular local rings
Abstract: The goal of this seminar is to prove that any local regular ring is a unique factorization domain. To prove this theorem I will use methods and results coming from commutative and homological algebra.

Anyone interested is invited.