
“The dimension of Schur-finite motives”, in preparation.


“Lecture Notes on Motivic Cohomology” in collaboration with V. Voevodsky and C. Weibel, published as the Volume 2 of Clay Mathematics Monographs by the American Mathematical Society in 2006 (PDF).


“Schur-finiteness and endomorphisms universally of trace zero via certain trace relations”, joint with Alessio Del Padrone. Accepted for publications on Communications in Algebra (preprint version PDF).

“Schur-Finiteness and Nilpotency”, joint with Alessio Del Padrone, published on Comptes Rendus Mathematique. Academie des Sciences. 341, 2005 (5) (preprint version PDF).

“Finite dimensional motives” and “On Voevodsky’s work” to be published in the proceedings of the “Symposium on Algebraic Geometry in Hiroshima”, Hiroshima, Japan.

“Schur functors and motives”, published on K-Theory 33 (2) 2004 (preprint version PDF).

“Schur functors and motives”, published on the “Oberwolfach Reports” vol. 1(2) 2004.

PhD thesis “Schur functors and motives” (PDF and I also have the slides of my defence)