Annuncio di seminario

Il giorno Lunedi' 7 Novembre
alle ore 13.00 in Aula C
(Dip. Matematica via Saldini)

il dott. Cesare Tronci (EPFL Lausanne)

Terra' un seminario:

Euler-Poincaré approaches to nematodynamics*

Nematodynamics is the orientation dynamics of flowless liquid-crystals. We show how Euler-Poincaré reduction produces a unifying framework for various theories, including Ericksen-Leslie, Luhiller-Rey, and Eringen's micropolar theory. In particular, we show that these theories are all compatible with each other and some of them allow for more general configurations involving a non vanishing discination density. All results are also extended to flowing liquid crystals.

* Joint work with François Gay-Balmaz (ENS/CNRS, Paris) and Tudor S. Ratiu (EPF, Lausanne)

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