The map is neither injective nor surjective in general. The localization at a prime ideal is a local ring. Localization of a module.
References: Atiyah-Macdonald chap 3.
Lavori in corso!
The map is neither injective nor surjective in general. The localization at a prime ideal is a local ring. Localization of a module.
References: Atiyah-Macdonald chap 3.
Let be a morphism of rings. We define the extended ideal and the contracted ideal. Basic properties. Then to every B-module we associate an A-module via the restriction of coefficients, and to every A-module a B-module using the tensor product.
Let R be a ring, I an ideal and M a R-module. Show that both as R-modules and as R/I-modules.
If M is a free A-module, then is a free B-module of same rank.
Show that is not isomorphic to as vector spaces over the reals .
Definition of multiplicative system and of the ring of fractions.
References: Atiyah-Macdonald chap 1&2, link.
Ci sarà un piccolo cambiamento nelle lezioni di settimana prossima: venerdì 16 dalle 9:30 alle 10:30 in Aula 9 terrà lezione il Prof. Mazza per esercitazioni invece che la Prof.ssa Mantovani. Il resto della settimana resta inalterato.
Let R be a ring and I and J ideals. Then . Tensor product of free modules is a free module. Example of non-simple tensor.
Tensor product and sequences, the tensor product is right exact but not left exact. Tensor product and direct sums and direct products.
References: Atiyah-Macdonald chap 2, link.
Definition of tensor product and basic properties. Show that is zero in but not in .
References: Atiyah-Macdonald chap 2, link.