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Biodiesel distillation

Area: Simulation - Separation - Experimental

Description: Fatty acid methyl-esters (FAMEs) are a family of compounds that are being abundantly studied in this years because they are the major components of the biomass dervated fuels known as biodioesels, that have a significantly lower enviromental impact than the conventional fuels, but can be used in the same types of cubustions and engines. Since they are produced from vegetal oils they present a great structure variability and is necessary a refining process.
This process researches the work conditions, the efficiency and the necessary properties for the development of a separation by rectification by working simultaneously distillation experiments and the symulation of the project to verify it's efficiency and optimization for the valorization of the final product.

Key-words: Rectification - Process simulation - Plant development

Activities: Bibliographic research, data elaboration, symulations (50%); Experimental activities (50%)