Area: Heterogeneous catalysis - Experimental
Description: This project has the objective of studying an alternative way of producing adipic acid, an extremely precious industrial product that nowadays is produces through a process based on hydrocarbons with a high enviromental impact. The important difference of this study is represented by the raw material that is used, the muconic acid. This reagent is in fact a derivate of biomass and fermentantives processes and is basically a waste product. The final goal of this study is to synthetize new catalyzers that can have a good catalythic activity and a good selectivity towards the muconic acid hydrogenation reaction. The work is mostly experimental, using a small batch reactor and alternatively an autoclave, with also a part of synthesis and characterization of new catalyzers.
Key-words: Etherogeneous catalysis, hydrogenation reaction, catalyzers synthesis, adipic acid
Attività: Bibliographic research, data elaboration, symulation (10%); Experimental activity (90%)
Zanella E., Secundo L., Bellomi S., Vomeri A., Villa A., Pirola C. Bio-Adipic Acid Production from Muconic Acid Hydrogenation on Palladium-Transition Metal (Ni and Zn) Bimetallic Catalysts. Catalysts, 2023, 13, 486.