Cytokinin Response Factors Integrate Auxin and Cytokinin Pathways for Female Reproductive Organ Development

Altered expression of the bZIP transcription factor DRINK ME affects growth and reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana

The Developmental Regulator SEEDSTICK Controls Structural and Mechanical Properties of the Arabidopsis Seed Coat

Seed abscission and fruit dehiscence required for seed dispersal rely on similar genetic networks

Live and let die: a REM complex promotes fertilization through synergid cell death in Arabidopsis

Transcriptomic Signature of the SHATTERPROOF2 Expression Domain Reveals the Meristematic Nature of Arabidopsis Gynoecial Medial Domain.

Genome-Wide Transcriptome Analysis During Anthesis Reveals New Insights into the Molecular Basis of Heat Stress Responses in Tolerant and Sensitive Rice Varieties.