Informazioni Generali / General information

English below

Durata: 3 anni. Gli studenti ammessi ricevono una borsa di studio per l’intera durata del dottorato.

Coordinatore del Programma: Prof. Giuseppe Danilo NORATA

I candidati devono possedere una laurea specialistica o magistrale in:

LM-6 Biologia,
LM-7 Biotecnologie agrarie,
LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
LM-13 Farmacia e farmacia industriale,
LM-17 Fisica,
LM-18 Informatica,
LM-21 Ingegneria biomedica,
LM-41 Medicina e chirurgia,
LM-42 Medicina veterinaria,
LM-55 Scienze cognitive,
LM-60 Scienze della natura,
LM-61 Scienze della nutrizione umana,
LM-69 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie,
LM-70 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari,
LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l’ambiente e il territorio,
LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
LM/SNT1 Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche,
LM/SNT2 Scienze riabilitative delle professioni sanitarie,
LM/SNT3 Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche,
LM/SNT4 Scienze delle professioni sanitarie della prevenzione.

Temi di ricerca: Biochimica e biologia della trasduzione, Biologia cellulare e molecolare, Biologia della neurodegenerazione, Chemioterapia antibatterica, antivirale e antitumorale, Farmacocinetica, Farmacogenetica e Farmacogenomica, Farmacognosia, Farmacologia cellulare e molecolare, Farmacologia clinica, Farmacologia e farmacoterapia, Immunofarmacologia, Medicina traslazionale, Neurobiologia dell’invecchiamento, Neuroendocrinologia, Neuroimmunologia, Neuropsicofarmacologia, Nutrizione, Strutturistica molecolare, Terapia del dolore, Terapia integrata, Tossicodipendenze, Tossicologia, Tossicologia molecolare e cellulare.

School organization

Director: Prof.Giuseppe Danilo NORATA []

The administrative location of the School is Department of Biomolecular and Pharmacological Sciences, Via G. Balzaretti 9, Milan

At present in the Faculty are involved  47 teachers belonging to the University of Milano and one to the University of Catanzaro. In the Faculty are represented the following scientific fields: BIO/14-pharmacology (42), BIO/15-pharmacognosy (2), BIO/13-applied biology (1), BIO/19-general microbiology (2) e Chim 10-chemistry of food (1)

Since the beginning, the founding Schools and now the School in Pharmacological Sciences obtained a several fellowships both from the Universityof Milano and the Ministry for University and Reserch. Moreover, in the years, several public and private research institutes and companies active in the fields of biomedical research offered  further fellowships.

In the last years the School in Pharmacological Sciences got fellowscips from the following Companies :

Biosearch, Biorep, Angelantoni, Lepetit, Nuovo Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese, Eurochem, Quanta System, Inpeco, Areta International, Arnaldi e Gaetani Associati, Fleming Research, Novuspharma, Sapio, Clonit,and the following research Institutions:

IRCCS Humanitas, IRCCS Don Gnocchi, IRCCS Istituto dei Tumori di Milano, IRCCS Multimedica,IRCCS Centro cardiologico Monzino,  CNR,l Centro CISI, la Fondazione Telethon.

Moreover, the Centro di Eccellenza C.E.N.D. (Center for the study of neurodegenerative diseases), and the  Centro cardiologico Monzino work in team with the School, sharing their researchers and technicians, and modern and advanced research structures.

All of the above events offer to the students the proper conditions for their best education and training, with the possibility of taking advantage of top level  expertises, and the accessibility to the most modern instruments, techniques and methodological approaches.

Training activities in Italy and abroad

The School associates the teaching and research expertises of its Faculty to that of all other researchers and Institutions that collaborate to the School activities, throughout joint teaching, research and/or tutorships.

The Students develop their research within the group of their Tutor/co-tutor and are encouraged to spend a good part of their work in foreign laboratories, possibly chosen within those that are maintaining a costant collaboration with the original lab.

Seguire il percorso di dottorato
Contatti e aiuto

Dottorato in scienze Farmacologiche Biomolecolari, Sperimentali e Cliniche