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Social dialogue in welfare services
Principal investigator
Stefano Neri is Associate Professor of Economic Sociology at the Department of Social and Political Studies of the University of Milan. In 2019 he obtained the Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for Full Professor in Economic Sociology. His main research interests include health and social policy; labor regulation and employment relationships in public services, in particular in childcare and school care, as well as in social and health services; labor regulation and work organization in local government; health and social professions; comparative welfare systems.
Project Manager
Anna Mori is a researcher in Economic Sociology at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan, where she teaches the master’s degree course on employment relationships in the public sector. After her PhD in Work Studies from the University of Milan in 2015, she worked as a research fellow in the Industrial Relations Research Unit (IRRU) at the Warwick Business School. Her main research interests include comparative employment relationships, with a specific focus on the public sector, labor regulation, atypical employment and collective representation. You recently published the monograph Employment Relations in Outsourced Public Services. Working between market and state (Palgrave, 2020).
Valeria Breuker is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Milan. You have a master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Turin and a research doctorate. at the University of Milan. Her thesis investigated the direct effect of social origin on occupational and income destinations in several European countries. She was a visiting researcher in the ERC INDIRECT project at the University of Turku. After your PhD you worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the TA VIE project at the University of Trento. Her main research interests focus on social and economic inequalities of opportunity in education and the labor market, skills inequalities, gender inequalities and quantitative methods.
Emmanuele Pavolini is Full Professor in Economic Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Macerata (Italy). He received his Ph.D. in Economic Sociology from Brescia University in 2000, with a Thesis on the Development of new forms of the “Welfare Mix” in the Italian Welfare State. His research interests focus on two fields: a) welfare state studies from a comparative perspective, with specific attention to the Italian and Southern European welfare states, social policies ; b) labour market research and economic development.
He is a National Expert for Italy of the European Commission Expert Network ESPN (European Social Policy Network). He is currently co-editor of the Journal of European Social Policy.Since 2020 he is also Affiliated Professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
Marta Kahancová is the founder and managing director of the Central European Labour Studies Institute in Bratislava, Slovakia. Her research expertise focuses on industrial relations, undeclared and precarious forms of work, public sector working conditions and vulnerable groups on the labour market. She obtained her PhD. in social sciences at the University of Amsterdam in 2007. She was involved in over 30 EU-funded projects on industrial relations and publishes in international peer reviewed academic journals. In the SOWELL project she is responsible for the case study of Hungary.
Barbora Holubová is a senior researcher in the Central European Labour Studies Institute in Bratislava, Slovakia. Her research fields are labour market, social inclusion, social and gender inequalities, undeclared work, social dialogue, public sector and care economics. Her background is applied sociology. She graduated from the Comenius University, Bratislava where she also defended her PhD thesis in social sciences. Before joining CELSI, she worked in the European Institute for Gender Equality in Lithuania. She is involved in numerous national and international research projects. In the SOWELL project she is responsible for the case study of Slovakia.
Pavol Bors is a research assistant of the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) in Bratislava, Slovakia. He has a supportive role in the research projects and activities, conducted by the CELSI. He is studying at the Institute of European Studies and International Relations of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Comenius University of Bratislava, Slovakia, in a study programme of European Studies. In the Sowell project he is involved in preparing the case study of Hungary.
Oscar Molina is associate professor appointed to the Department of Sociology and researcher at Centre d’Estudis QUIT / Institute for Labour Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He holds a degree in Economics at Pompeu Fabra University 1998. He obtained his PhD in Social and Political Science at the European University Institute (EUI-Florence), in 2004. His dissertation studied the changes in collective bargaining systems of Italy and Spain since the early 1980s. After working as research assistant at the Robert Schuman Centre, he has been government of Ireland post-doctoral researcher at the Industrial Relations and Human Resources Group, University College Dublin (2005-2007) and ICREA Researcher at QUIT, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. He has taught courses on globalization and industrial relations, industrial relations in Europe and sociology of work.
Alejandro Godino is post-doctoral researcher at the Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT) and Eurofound correspondent in Spain. He holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Granada (UGR), a master degree in European social and employment policy and a PhD in Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). His main interests include employment relations, organizational changes and labour market inequalities.
Joan Rodríguez-Soler is Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Sociology in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). PhD in Sociology and Bachelor in Sociology at the UAB. He is member of the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) and member of the Institute of Labour Studies (IET) of the UAB. His research interests are placed in the fields of Sociology of Labour (industrial relations and collective bargaining, labour market trajectories, gender and labour market) and Research Methods, especially Qualitative Methods. He has been involved on research projects, among others, for the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission, and the General Directorate of Scientific and Technical Research (DGICYT) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
His publications can be consulted on his ResearchGate profile.
Karin Gottschall is Full Professor of sociology at the University of Bremen and department head at the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy. Her comparative research in the field of gender, work and welfare has focused on the state as employer, employment regulation in social services, and provision of care and work migration between Eastern and Western Europe. Among others she has published in Socio-Economic-Review, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Cambridge Journal of Economics and edited several books and monographs. More detailed information on her research activities can be found on the following website:
Ruth Abramowski is a postdoctoral researcher at the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, University of Bremen. Gender, work, and comparative welfare state research are her main research interests. Her monography “Bringing Power Back In: On the continuity of traditional division of household tasks within couples – a European comparison” has been awarded the Science Award of the Chamber of Labour Salzburg and the dissertation prize of the Austrian Association for Sociology in the field of Sociology of Family. She has published in different journals, edited books and monographs, and published together with colleagues an expertise on transnational families and work migration for the 9th German Family Report of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. More detailed information on her research activities can be found on the following website: https://www.socium.uni-bremen.de/about-the-socium/members/ruth-abramowski/en/
Mikkel Mailand is Associated Professor and Research Manager at Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. His main research interests include public sector collective bargaining; tripartite cooperation and agreements; EU-level labour market regulation; non-standard employment. He has published in European Journal of Social Policy, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Journal and in several other international journals, edited books and monographies.
Nana Wesley Hansen is an Associate Professor at the Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS), Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. Her primary research interests are collective bargaining and cooperation in the public and private sectors, and workplace conflict and cooperation within public sector. Together with colleagues, she has analysed the institutional capacity for and use of power among government employers in the Nordic countries. She has published in the European Journal of Industrial Relations, Economic and Industrial Democracy and elsewhere.
Frank Tros is Senior Researcher at AIAS-HSI, a multidisciplinary teaching and research institute at the University of Amsterdam. He has been involved in numerous research projects and publications in the fields of social dialogue, collective bargaining, labor market policies, human resource management and worker participation in Europe (and particularly in the Netherlands).
Sylvain Renouvel, holds a master’s degree in labour law and human resources from the Sorbonne University and has a strong experience in industrial relations. He has been working in different organisations such as the French Building Federation, the Union of metallurgy industries, and Social services employers’ organisations, where he has been Head of Social Affairs and Head of European Affairs. He also teaches labour law and industrial relations in several French universities. He has a broad knowledge of European social dialogue.
Alina Pavicevac, holds a master’s degree in Transcultural Studies from the University of Bremen. Through her work at the Social Employers, she has gained profound experience with the day-to-day workings of a European employers’ organisation in social services, with in depth knowledge of European social policy and the European social services landscape. Before joining the Social Employers, Alina worked in public relations and intercultural affairs in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Jakob Embacher is working on Social Services and Youth at EPSU, the European Federation representing Public Service Unions across Europe. Prior to this, he obtained a degree in social policy and innovation at SciencesPo in Paris. He also gained practical experience in the social services sector as a full-time worker in a daycare centre for adolescents with disabilities in Vienna for one year. Jakob is representing EPSU in the SOWELL project.