
Percorso in Fisica dei Dati

Dall’anno accademico 2020/21 sarĂ  operativo il percorso del corso di laurea magistrale in fisica in ambito di fisica dei dati. Maggiori informazioni qui.

Fisica per Biotecnologie (linea 2)

Il corso tratta le basi della fisica con un taglio specifico per gli studenti di biotecnologia. I temi principali sono la cinematica, la dinamica, i fluidi, l’elettromagnetismo l’ottica e la termodinamica.

Scarica le note del corso qui.

Computational Biophysics


The course introduces the algorithms and the computational techniques to investigate equilibrium and kinetic properties of classical models of biopolymers. We shall discuss the theoretical aspects of the algorithms and implement them on computers to solve simple test problems. A minimal background of linux environment and c programming is required.

Visit the course website on Ariel at this link.

Physics of Proteins 1

The course deals with the statistical-mechanics aspects of conformational changes in proteins and focuses on the equilibrium and the kinetic properties of proteins. Most of the statistical-mechanics tools needed will be introduced during the course, although some basic elements of statistical mechanics are required.

Please visit the site of the course on Ariel at this link.