
We offer B. Sc., M. Sc. and Ph. D. theses in the field of theoretical biophysics, physics complex systems, computational physics and machine learning. The subjects range from studying specific proteins, often related to diseases, to developing algorithms, analytical models for biological processes, data analysis and programming.

B. Sc. and M. Sc. theses can start anytime. To be enrolled as Ph. D. student, one has to pass a selection that usually takes place in July (check here). B. Sc. theses usually last for 4-6 months, M. Sc. theses for 8-12 months.

Thesis work is a real research work. Often even M. Sc. and B. Sc. thesis work result in publications, like M. Crippa, D. Andreghetti, R. Capelli and G. Tiana, Evolution of Frustrated and Stabilising Contacts in Reconstructed Ancient Proteins, Europ. Biophys. J.  50 , 699-712 (2021) or M. Negri. G. Tiana and R. Zecchina, Native state of natural proteins optimizes local entropy, Phys. Rev. E  104 , 064117 (2021).

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