On this page, ready-to-use topologies for Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations with MiCMoS can be found. Download here the .zip archive. All files are in plain ASCII text format (extensions .top or .sla) and can be opened with any text editor. Remember that most Monte Carlo topologies come with a slave atom file (.sla) each, which is necessary to carry out the simulation with internal molecular degrees of freedom as random variables.

Refer to the users' manual, specifically to Sections 6.6.3 and 7.6.4, for full explanation on the meaning of the various quantities in files. A Tutorials page on this site contains some worked cases that should help you in getting acquainted with MC and MD topologies. Refer, in particular, to Tutorials from T6 onwards.

The archive contains also two text files, tabeMC.txt and tabeMD.txt, with a full list of the available topologies. For each substance, the pertinent bibliographic record is also given, as well as specification on whether the input has been employed to simulate a liquid or a solid.

To run simulations in practice, you must produce .oeh structure files: you can do it from available Crystallographic Information Files deposited in the CCDC Cambridge Structural Database. See Tutorial 01. Generation of structural data files to see a worked example.



