From March 3 to May 13, 2021, the University of Milan will host a series of webinars dealing with cross-border civil and commercial litigation in Europe, as part of the three-year project funded by the European Union and named “Jean Monnet Module on Multilevel, Multiparty and Multisector Cross-Border Litigation in Europe“. The cycle of seminars will be divided into three modules, focusing, respectively, on relations and conflicts between national judges, European courts and international tribunals; on collective redress, addressed from a European, comparative and transnational perspective and in the context of different legal sectors; on the main procedural issues arising out of transnational litigation in financial law, IP law, labor law and family law disputes, as well as on the the current EU works on judicial cooperation and on the latter’s prospects after Brexit. A short module will provide participants with basic hints on written and oral legal advocacy. The seminars, held by Italian and foreign experts with remarkable experience (not only academic, but also professional and institutional) in the sector, also due to their involvement in international research works and legislative reform projects coordinated by the European Commission, are aimed at Italian and foreign under- and post-graduate students, as well as professionals (the latter being entitled to continuing legal education credits).
To register (for the entire program or only for some modules), please fill in and submit, no later than Monday, March 1, 2021, the registration form.
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