Travel Info


By plane

The nearest airport to Milano Marittima is Bologna (90 km), international airport with various destinations in Italy and all over the world. From June to September, a regular transport service from Bologna to Milano Marittima and vice versa (about 1 hour), with the bus stop at short distance from the congress venue (Grand Hotel Gallia), is available to all travellers. Moreover, dedicated shuttles can be also arranged for small groups arriving in Bologna at quite reasonable prices, too.

As an alternative, you can arrive at one of the Milano airports and (a) take a train to Bologna (about 1 h by fast train), then shuttle bus ; or (b) take a train to Cervia, then local bus or taxi; or (c) take a train to Cesena or Rimini, then local train, shuttle bus or taxi.

A small airport, mainly used by Russian lines, is also located near Rimini (30 km). From May to September a shuttle service is available from/to Cervia.

NEW!!! Shuttle bus schedule from Bologna Airport to Viale 2 giugno, Milano Marittima

By train

Participants can arrive in Bologna by fast train and then either take a bus shuttle (about 1 hour, regular lines from Bologna station) or a local train to Cervia/Milano Marittima.

As an alternative, they can also arrive in Cesena or Rimini, and take a local train, shuttle bus or taxi from there). (For all information on train timetables, call Trenitalia 892021 or visit their website

By car

From North: motorway A14 Bologna-Ancona; exits: Ravenna (head for Lidi Sud – Rimini),Cesena Nord, take the E45 freeway to Ravenna, exit at Casemurate and head for Cervia along state road S.S. 254 (16 km), Cesena, take state road S.S. 71 to Cervia (12 km).

From North-East: take state road S.S. 309 “Romea” up to Ravenna, then take state road S. S. 16 “Adriatica” and head for “Lidi Sud”.

From central Italy: take the freeway E 45, exit at Casemurate, then head for Cervia.

From South: take the motorway A14 Bari – Bologna, exit at Cesena, than take state road S.S. 71 bis and head for Cervia (12 km).

By bus

In the summer (June to September) there are many daily bus lines connecting Cervia with various Italian locations, including Milano.