Sponsorships Opportunities
We are glad to submit to your attention a number of standard sponsorhip opportunities designed to allow
your company to choose the desired level of involvement and exposure.
Should your company be interested in a sponsorship package not listed below, please feel free to contact us
1) Exhibition Space
6 sqm modular booth
2) Organization of a dedicated workshop
Meeting room provided with all the necessary technical equipment.
The workshop will be included in the final programme.
3) Business Lunches
Sponsoring one of the business lunches you are entitled to provide appropriate signage in the
lunch room on the day of your sponsored lunch and display promotional material, distribute
items of your company's literature and gifts/giveaways at a dedicated table.
4) Conference Refreshment Breaks
There are two refreshment breaks on each day of the conference and conference attendees
often linger over a drink and a snack for discussions during and after these breaks.
You will have the opportunity to display promotional material, distribute items of your company's literature
and gifts/giveaways at a dedicated table in the coffe break area.
5) Technical equipment
Your company logo will appear on the conference rooms' screens during the pauses and you will be entitled
to provide appropriate signage for the main conference rooms.
6) Conference bags
The company will provide custom printed conference bags for all the participants, along with notepads and pens.
7) Promotional material in the conference bags
The company will be entitled to provide promotional leaflets and material to be placed into the conference bags.
8) Advertising page/space in the Official Congress Programme
9) CD of Abstracts
Your company logo and aknowledgements will be published on the cd cover.
All sponsoring companies will be entitled to have their logo featured in the Official Congress Programme and in
the congress website from the time a sponsorship agreement is made, within production schedule.
Sponsors will also be offered a number of complimentary "Business Attendee Passes" necessary to all exhibitors
and business staff to enter the exhibiting and poster areas, for the coffee breaks and business lunches.