Pure and Applied Quantum Mechanics

University of Milan


The Pure and Applied Quantum Mechanics Group is active in many different fields of study about Quantum Mechanics.


The Group has activated a Master in Quantum Sciences and Technologies! Moreover it offers various M.Sc. and B.Sc. thesis proposals.

Latest Posts

  • Seminar by Dario Cilluffo
    We are happy to announce our next seminar. Speaker: Dario Cilluffo (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ulm University, GER)When: Tuesday, 16th Apr 2024, 14:30 AM (CET)Where: Aula Caldirola Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86392909512?pwd=b0gxMmtnSXdQd3F3REpuUG1EUkNnUT09 Title: Simulating Multimode Interferometers for Gaussian Boson Sampling with Tensor Networks
  • Seminar by Nicola Lorenzoni
    We are happy to announce our next seminar. Speaker: Nicola Lorenzoni (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ulm University, GER)When: Tuesday, 16th Apr 2024, 11:00 AM (CET)Where: Aula Polvani – LITA 1st floor Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82459644611?pwd=bG1iT3FjYnR0QWxuR3FuOFZBWXRydz09 Title: Efficient Simulations of Open Quantum Systems Coupled to Structured Environments
  • Mostra “Dire l’indicibile: L’entaglement quantistico”
    La mostra divulgativa “Dire l’indicibile: l’entaglement quantistico” è una installazione di pannelli ed exibit interattivi, organizzata in occasione delle Italian Quantum Weeks.
  • Seminar by Massimo Frigerio
    A dive into non-Gaussian quantum correlations
  • Seminar by Abolfazl Bayat
    Quantum many-body sensors
  • Congratulations to Dr. Alessandro Candeloro!
    Today (December 22nd 2022) Alessandro successfully defended his thesis Characterization and engineering of quantum systems for quantum technologies, thus obtaining his PhD degree from the University of Milan.