Stefano Pirandola talk at AQM

9 Jul , 2015 - Visiting,Seminars

We are glad to announce that Stefano Pirandola (University of York) will deliver a talk on Tuesday 14 July at the Aula di Ottica Quantistica (5th floor LITA building). An abstract of the talk follows.

Stefano Pirandola (University of York)

Relay-based protocols in correlated-noise Gaussian environments

We consider continuous-variable protocols exploiting a quantum relay, such as entanglement swapping, quantum teleportation, and QKD. Their theory is extended to a non-Markovian spatial model of decoherence characterized by correlated Gaussian noise. Even if bipartite entanglement is completely lost at the relay, we show that the various protocols can progressively be reactivated by the separable noise-correlations of the environment.

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