Antonio Mandarino talk

21 Sep , 2015 - Seminars

Antonio Mandarino, will deliver a talk on Wednesday, September 23th 2015, 2 PM at the Auletta di Ottica Quantistica (LITA 5th floor).

Fidelity in tomographic reconstruction of continuous variable systems

Abstract: Fidelity is a widely adopted measure of closeness between quantum states either pure or mixed. Although it is not a proper distance in the Hilbert space, fidelity can be linked to distances inducing a metric over the manifold of density matrix. This relation is commonly adopted to justify the assumption that states with a high value of fidelity, viz. 0.9 or 0.99 is enough to certify that two states shares identical physical properties. We analyze a set of experimentally generated quantum states by means of tomographic analysis. Hence we will show that benchmarking with the usual fidelity thresholds does not accomplish that task, in addition we emphasise how only full quantum tomography does.

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