
Congratulations to Dr. Carmen Porto!

1 Feb , 2018 - News

On January 23rd, 2018, Carmen Porto successfully defended her thesis Generation and Detection of Nonclassical States in the Continuous Variable Regime, thus obtaining her PhD degree from the University of Milan. We congratulate with Carmen for this important achievement in her research career and we wish her all the best for the future. Well done Carmen!

Carmen Porto’s PhD defense

22 Jan , 2018 - News

Carmen is going to discuss her PhD thesis on Tue, Jan 23th at 2PM, Aula Consiglio. The title of the thesis is Generation and Detection of Nonclassical States in the Continuous Variable Regime.

Congrats to Dr Matteo Rossi!

8 Nov , 2017 - News

On Tuesday 7 November 2017  Matteo Rossi defended his thesis on Dynamics and characterization of quantum systems interacting with classical noise and thus obtained his PhD degree from the University of Milan. The thesis is available for download on the Unimi AIR repository. Congratulations to Matteo for this important achievement in his research career and best of luck […]

Quantum Technology Lab on the cover of J. Phys. A

10 Jul , 2017 - News

A picture taken from a recent work of Luigi Seveso et al. is on the cover of Journal of Physics A. The paper is about the estimation of  the mass of a quantum particle in a gravitational field and the seek of the ultimate bounds to precision for quantum-limited detection schemes.

That’s the story – The last original voice from the Manhattan project

22 Mar , 2017 - News,Outreach

The AQM  and Quantum Technology Lab of Università degli Studi di Milano are proud to present the projection of the documentary That’s the story – The last original voice from the Manhattan project, an interview to Roy Glauber, Nobel Prize in 2005 and last surviving member of the theory division of the Manhattan Project. The projection (in English, 52 min, Italian subtitles) […]

Congrats to Jacopo and Zeudi!

24 Jan , 2017 - News

On January 19th, 2016 our PhD students Jacopo Trapani and Zeudi Mazzotta defended their theses and obtained their PhD degree from the University of Milan. Jacopo’s thesis is on Stochastic noise approach to non-Markovian decoherence in continuous variable open quantum systems, while Zeudi’s is on Positronium laser excitation in the AEgIS experiment. We congratulate with Jacopo and Zeudi […]

Planck. La rivoluzione quantistica, in edicola con il Corriere

16 Nov , 2016 - News,Outreach

    Da oggi, 16 novembre, è disponibile in edicola con il Corriere della Sera e la Gazzetta dello Sport la terza monografia della collana Grandangolo Scienza, intitolata Planck. La rivoluzione quantistica. Il libro, a cura di Stefano Olivares, dell’Applied Quantum Mechanics Group, e Lanfranco Belloni,  affronta la vita scientifica del fisico tedesco Max Planck, che nel 1900 diede inizio […]

Monografia su Fermi a cura di Stefano Olivares con il Corriere

9 Nov , 2016 - News,Outreach

Stefano Olivares, dell’Applied Quantum Mechanics Group, è curatore, con Lanfranco Belloni,  della monografia Fermi. L’energia atomica, secondo volume della collana Grandangolo Scienza, in edicola da mercoledì 8 novembre con il Corriere della Sera e la Gazzetta dello Sport. Il libro ricostruisce il percorso che portò il brillante scienziato alla conquista del premio Nobel per la Fisica, nel 1938, con acquisizioni di […]

Thanks Rodolfo

9 Nov , 2016 - News

Rodolfo Bonifacio has died aged 76 on November 1st, 2016. Rodolfo graduated in 1964 at the University of Milan, where he became full professor in 1981. Rodolfo is well known in quantum optics for having developed the theory of optical bistability together with Luigi Lugiato and, together with Tito Arecchi, the so-called Maxwell-Bloch equations for […]