
Talk by Riccardo Laurenza on Tue 11 July

25 Jun , 2017 - Seminars

Riccardo Laurenza, from the University of York, is giving a talk on Tue 11 July 2017, 2.30 PM, QO room at LITA 5th floor Teleportation stretching and its finite-resource version for continuous-variable systems

Talk by Paolo Zanardi on Tue 6 June

30 May , 2017 - Seminars

On Tue 6 June, 14.00 in Aula Polvani, Paolo Zanardi (University of Southern California) is going to deliver a talk about Quantum Coherence Power, Maximally Abelian Subalgebras and the Grassmannian Geometry.

Talk by Matteo Bina on Wed 31 May

24 May , 2017 - Seminars

On Wed 31 May, 14.00, Auletta Ottica Quantistica (piano 5 LITA), Matteo Bina will deliver a talk about Continuous-variable quantum probes for structured environments

Alberto Porzio visiting AQM on April 26

27 Mar , 2017 - Seminars,Visiting

Alberto Porzio from the SPIN institute of CNR (Napoli) will be visiting us on Wed 26 April, 2017. Alberto will deliver a seminar at 12:30 room A5/S2, LITA Building Encoding and Direct Detection of Continuous Variable Entanglement in the Orbital Angular Momentum Space CV entangled beams carrying OAM are successfully generated by converting entangled polarization modes into vortex beams. Entanglement is […]

Seminar by Gianfranco Cariolaro on Tue, March 7

22 Feb , 2017 - Seminars

Gianfranco Cariolaro, Professor Emeritus of Quantum Communications at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova, will be visiting AQM on Tue March 7, 2017 and will give a seminar in Aula Polvani at 14:30, entitled Unified Theory of Gaussian unitaries and Gaussian states

Konrad Banaszek visiting AQM

10 Jan , 2017 - Seminars,Visiting

Konrad Banaszek from University of Warsaw is going to visit us from Monday 27 Feb (afternoon) to Thursday 2 Mar 2017. On Tuesday, Feb 28th, 12 AM Konrad is going to deliver a seminar entitled Restoring quantum enhancement in two-photon interferometry

Tommaso Tufarelli visiting AQM

4 Jan , 2017 - Seminars,Visiting

Tommaso Tufarelli, from University of Nottingham, is visiting AQM from Tuesday 10 to Thursday 12 January. He will deliver a talk on Wednesday, 11 January at 12:30 in Auletta Ottica Quantistica (5 piano LITA) Refining the Dicke Model I will start by reviewing an interesting signature of the “A^2 term” in a simple Dicke model […]

Elsi-Mari and Massimo Borrelli visiting AQM

13 Dec , 2016 - Seminars,Visiting

Elsi-Mari and Massimo Borrelli from University of Turku will visit us from 19 to 22 December. Elsi-Mari is going to deliver the following seminar on Tue 20, 12 AM, Room A5/S3 (LITA, 5th floor)  Problem of coherent control in non-Markovian open quantum systems

Andrea Smirne visiting

6 Dec , 2016 - Seminars,Visiting

Andrea Smirne, from Ulm University, will be visiting the Physics Department from Monday, 12 December. He will give a lecture and a talk about quantum parameter estimation. Monday 12 December, 8.45,  Aula I Lecture Classical and quantum limits to the achievable precision in parameter estimation Wednesday 14 December, 13.30, Aula Bonetti Seminar Overcoming the classical limits for frequency […]

The Big Bell Test

29 Nov , 2016 - Science news,Seminars,Outreach

The BIG Bell Test (BBT) is a worldwide project to bring human unpredictability (randomness) to cutting-edge physics experiments. It may be surprising, but there are aspects of physical reality that can only be understood by asking unpredictable questions of nature. The most famous experiment of this kind is the Bell test. In the BBT, laboratories around […]