University of Milan

Post-doc position available

25 Oct , 2012 - Department of Physics,University of Milan

There is an opening for a two-year post doc position in our group. The research activities concern collective and single-particle phenomena investigated via advanced analytic methods plus classical and quantum numerical simulations. Multiple research lines in physics of matter focusing on fronteer problems concerning atoms, electrons and photons. (Codice tematica 013 – Docente Responsabile Nicola […]

Project LiCHIS

8 Mar , 2012 - University of Milan,Department of Physics

The FIRB project “LiCHIS – Light Correlations for High-precision Innovative Sensing”, lead by Stefano Olivares, officially started on March 8th, 2012. The project, supported by MIUR through the program “FIRB 2010 – Futuro in Ricerca”, involves three Research Units: one theoretical, the Milano Unit (at the Physics Department of the Università degli Studi di Milano) […]