Pure and Applied Quantum Mechanics Group j

Antonio Mandarino talk

21 Sep , 2015 - Seminars

Antonio Mandarino, will deliver a talk on Wednesday, September 23th 2015, 2 PM at the Auletta di Ottica Quantistica (LITA 5th floor). Fidelity in tomographic reconstruction of continuous variable systems Abstract: Fidelity is a widely adopted measure of closeness between quantum states either pure or mixed. Although it is not a proper distance in the Hilbert space, […]

Pic from the AQM meeting @ Modena

31 Aug , 2015 - Conferences

Here is a picture of the AQM group (plus collaborators and a bronze pig) at Castelnuovo Rangone, during the AQM 2015 meeting held on 23-25 June 2015 at Modena.  

Stefano Pirandola talk at AQM

9 Jul , 2015 - Seminars,Visiting

Stefano Pirandola (University of York) will deliver a talk about “Relay-based protocols in correlated-noise Gaussian environments” on Tuesday 14 July at the Aula di Ottica Quantistica (5th floor LITA building).

Matteo Bina joins AQM

28 May , 2015 - News

Matteo Bina will join us starting from June 2015 as UniMI research fellow on a project about Quantum Technology. Congrats to Matteo and welcome on board!

Claudia Benedetti joins AQM

20 May , 2015 - News

Claudia Benedetti will join us starting from June 2015 as post-doc within the EU Proactive project QuProCs – “Quantum Probes for Complex Systems”. Congrats to Claudia and Welcome on board!

1st AQM meeting @ Modena

1st AQM meeting @ Modena

20 May , 2015 - Conferences

Modena, 23 – 25 June 2015 A focused workshop devoted to the synthesis and the characterization of quantum states, measurements and operations for the development of novel quantum technologies in open quantum systems will take place in Modena from 23 to 25 June 2015. The workshop will represent the kick-off meeting for the newly established Quantum Technology Lab (QTL) of UniMI, […]

Talk by Gianluca Oppo on May 12, 2015

23 Apr , 2015 - Seminars

We are glad to announce a talk by Gianluca Oppo (University of Strathclyde) which will take place on May 12, at 15:00, in Sala Polvani. Here in the following the title and abstract: Opto-mecahnics of cold atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensates Gianluca Oppo, University of Strathclyde We consider theoretically and experimentally the behaviour of cold or ultra-cold atoms interacting […]

Non Markovian Quantum Dynamics Conference

20 Feb , 2015 - Conferences

A conference devoted to Non Markovian quantum dynamics will take place from 24 to 28 August 2015 at the Palazzone in Cortona, Italy. The conference is organized by S. Maniscalco, J. Piilo, V. Giovannetti and M. G. A. Paris.