Pure and Applied Quantum Mechanics Group j

Konrad Banaszek visiting AQM

10 Jan , 2017 - Seminars,Visiting

Konrad Banaszek from University of Warsaw is going to visit us from Monday 27 Feb (afternoon) to Thursday 2 Mar 2017. On Tuesday, Feb 28th, 12 AM Konrad is going to deliver a seminar entitled Restoring quantum enhancement in two-photon interferometry

Tommaso Tufarelli visiting AQM

4 Jan , 2017 - Seminars,Visiting

Tommaso Tufarelli, from University of Nottingham, is visiting AQM from Tuesday 10 to Thursday 12 January. He will deliver a talk on Wednesday, 11 January at 12:30 in Auletta Ottica Quantistica (5 piano LITA) Refining the Dicke Model I will start by reviewing an interesting signature of the “A^2 term” in a simple Dicke model […]

Elsi-Mari and Massimo Borrelli visiting AQM

13 Dec , 2016 - Seminars,Visiting

Elsi-Mari and Massimo Borrelli from University of Turku will visit us from 19 to 22 December. Elsi-Mari is going to deliver the following seminar on Tue 20, 12 AM, Room A5/S3 (LITA, 5th floor)  Problem of coherent control in non-Markovian open quantum systems

Andrea Smirne visiting

6 Dec , 2016 - Seminars,Visiting

Andrea Smirne, from Ulm University, will be visiting the Physics Department from Monday, 12 December. He will give a lecture and a talk about quantum parameter estimation. Monday 12 December, 8.45,  Aula I Lecture Classical and quantum limits to the achievable precision in parameter estimation Wednesday 14 December, 13.30, Aula Bonetti Seminar Overcoming the classical limits for frequency […]

The Big Bell Test

29 Nov , 2016 - Science news,Seminars,Outreach

The BIG Bell Test (BBT) is a worldwide project to bring human unpredictability (randomness) to cutting-edge physics experiments. It may be surprising, but there are aspects of physical reality that can only be understood by asking unpredictable questions of nature. The most famous experiment of this kind is the Bell test. In the BBT, laboratories around […]

Planck. La rivoluzione quantistica, in edicola con il Corriere

16 Nov , 2016 - News,Outreach

    Da oggi, 16 novembre, è disponibile in edicola con il Corriere della Sera e la Gazzetta dello Sport la terza monografia della collana Grandangolo Scienza, intitolata Planck. La rivoluzione quantistica. Il libro, a cura di Stefano Olivares, dell’Applied Quantum Mechanics Group, e Lanfranco Belloni,  affronta la vita scientifica del fisico tedesco Max Planck, che nel 1900 diede inizio […]

Monografia su Fermi a cura di Stefano Olivares con il Corriere

9 Nov , 2016 - News,Outreach

Stefano Olivares, dell’Applied Quantum Mechanics Group, è curatore, con Lanfranco Belloni,  della monografia Fermi. L’energia atomica, secondo volume della collana Grandangolo Scienza, in edicola da mercoledì 8 novembre con il Corriere della Sera e la Gazzetta dello Sport. Il libro ricostruisce il percorso che portò il brillante scienziato alla conquista del premio Nobel per la Fisica, nel 1938, con acquisizioni di […]

Thanks Rodolfo

9 Nov , 2016 - News

Rodolfo Bonifacio has died aged 76 on November 1st, 2016. Rodolfo graduated in 1964 at the University of Milan, where he became full professor in 1981. Rodolfo is well known in quantum optics for having developed the theory of optical bistability together with Luigi Lugiato and, together with Tito Arecchi, the so-called Maxwell-Bloch equations for […]

PhD Seminars 2016

16 Oct , 2016 - Seminars

Here the calendar of PhD seminars 2016. First-year students will present their research work during the PhD student Workshop on October 20 in Aula Consiglio. Francesco Albarelli: Nonclassicality in continuous variables quantum systems. Luigi Seveso: Ultimate precision: new developments in quantum estimation theory. Giacomo Tanzi Marlotti: How to analyse condensed matter with Positronium. The other students will give […]

Talk by Matteo Brunelli on Tue, Oct 25

14 Oct , 2016 - Seminars,Visiting

Matteo Brunelli (Queen’s University Belfast) will be visiting us from 24 to 28 October 2016. He will give a talk on Tuesday 25 October at 12 am in Aula Ottica Quantistica (A5/S2), 5th floor, LITA building, entitled: Irreversibility and correlations in mesoscopic quantum systems: an optomechanical route Abstract In this talk I will present a theoretical […]