
Academic added value – The project dedicated to european data governance, aims to provide students, researchers and other target groups with the required knowledge and skills to become European Data Governance professionals. It delivers a tailor-made educational Course and other events on specific issues related to EU Data Governance, Cybersecurity and European citizen’s fundamental rights in the IT society, relevant to participants in their future professional life. Besides, it aims to multiply this knowledge to many other target groups (Universities, ICT companies, Ngos, researchers and online citizens) and to dialogue with policy-makers.

Objectives and activities – The Information Society Law Research Center (ISLC) of the Department of Law “C. Beccaria” will develop the field of study of European Legal Informatics through the creation of the project “European Citizens’ online fundamental rights, data governance and cybersecurity in the Information Society: an European legal framework” (DATAGOV). The main activity will be the undergraduate Course “European Citizens’ Data Governance and Cybersecurity”, based also on open-access materials and divided into two parts lasting 48 hours each Furthermore, a short version of this course will be made freely available to anyone interested in these topics through online learning platform. Besides, a set of additional activities will complement this course and will be open to various social actors.