The “Information Society Law” Center (ISLC)  at the Department “Cesare Beccaria” of the University of Milan is a multidisciplinary Research Center, founded in 2017 inside the “Cesare Beccaria” Department of Legal Sciences, devoted to the study of the so called “Digital Transformation Law” and of the legal, technological, political and social aspects of the Information Society.

The aim of the Center is to conduct research on issues related to the relationship between law and the digital society, with particular attention to those changes – present and future – that will deeply affect our society.

The Center brings together different skills (and scholars): legal informatics, philosophy of law, sociology of law, ecclesiastical law, criminal law, criminal procedure, philosophy of politics, general theory of law, bioethics.

The staff dialogues with scholars of other Departments of the University, with particular attention to international law, constitutional law, private law, labor law and administrative law.

In the forthcoming years, the Center will carry out several activities, with particular attention to:

1) the creation of a network with other Research Centers that are studying similar subjects;

2) the search for funds necessary to carry out innovative and far-reaching national and international research projects;

3) the organization of an annual Conference, at the end of the year, to draw a summary of past year’s research activities and set the lines of research for the coming year (Digital Transformation Law Conference – DTLC);

4) the editing of publications (books and articles) in Italian and in English on topics of interest for the Center;

5) the organization of events that bring together all the skills of the University of Milan, both legal and technical, in order to carry forward the most challenging and interesting lines of research.

Main Research Areas

Area #1 INFOWAR (Information Warfare, cybersecurity, cyberwars, security of smart cities and smart governments).

Area #2 HATE (Hate Speech, Cyberbullying, Stalking, Grooming Online, Terrorism, Discrimination, Violence on Digital Platforms).

Area #3 CYBERBULLYING (and stalking between young adults).

Area #4 DATA PROTECTION AND DATA GOVERNANCE (especially in critical infrastructures and hospitals)

Education and teaching

ISLC is a pure Research Center. However, a daily dialogue is kept with all the teaching activities at the University of Milan, in particular with the courses of Legal Informatics (Professor Giovanni Ziccardi), Advanced Legal Informatics (Professor Pierluigi Perri), Foundations of Legal Informatics and with post-graduate Courses in Cybercrime and digital investigations and in Data governance and data information.