Scientific news

  • Scientific news

    If you want to stay updated on the latest news about the social life of our group, please follow us on Instagram. 21/06/2023 AWARD It is with great pleasure that we announce that Dr. Denise Cavuoto, past Ph.D. Student of our team, has been selected as this year’s recipient of the “CinziaContinue Reading

If you want to stay updated on the latest news about the social life of our group, please follow us on Instagram.

21/06/2023 AWARD

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Dr. Denise Cavuoto, past Ph.D. Student of our team, has been selected as this year’s recipient of the “Cinzia Chiappe Award” for the best PhD thesis by the Green Chemistry group of the Italian Chemical Society.

We would like to offer our warmest congratulations to Denise on her award.  Her hard work has paid off, and this award is a recognition of her talent and dedication.

Congratulations on this amazing achievement, Denise. Keep up the good work!

03/05/2023 NEW PAPER

We are glad to announce that our paper on “Biochar based cathode enriched with hydroxyapatite and Cu nanoparticles boosting electromethanogenesis” has been published in the journal of Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments and is now accessible online.

Electromethanogenesis is an innovative technology addressing the need of storing renewable energy from unprogrammable sources. It allows for the electrochemical production of methane from CO2-rich wastes on microbial cathodes, in a logic of power-to-gas (BEP2G). The challenge of cost-effective and sustainable biocathodes enhancing the microorganism performance and yield of electromethanogenesis is approached in this work. For the first time, porous carbonaceous cathodes were functionalized with Cu nanoparticles and hydroxyapatite (HAP) and successfully experimented for supporting microbial CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) to methane. High methane production on cathodes made of Cu 20%, HAP 10%, and carbon balance (20Cu/10HAP) was achieved, with a maximum of 866 ± 199 mmol m−2 d−1 (projected cathode area, Coulombic efficiency of 64%), corresponding to values comparable to the maximum in literature, but in shorter timespans (8 vs. 30 days). The documented effect of pH stabilization in the cathodic chamber by HAP was one of the main parameters that concurred to the selectivity of CO2RR towards methane.

You can read it using this link:

14/04/2023 NEW PAPER

We are pleased to inform you that our manuscript, “Mössbauer spectroscopy as a tool to predict the catalytic activity of the Fe3+ sites in an exchanged Fe/hydroxyapatite system” in collaboration with Prof. Marchetti from Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicadas – Argentina has been accepted for publication in Journal of Nanoparticle Research.

Enjoy reading the full text:

16/02/2023 NEW PAPER

In this work, in collaboration with Sara Morandi and Maela Manzoli from Università degli Studi di Torino, copper- or iron-loaded hydroxyapatites were studied as active catalysts in the direct N2O decomposition reaction. The obtained results demonstrated the key role of HAP in governing surface Cu(II) and Fe(III) structuring. Copper catalysts showed superior performances than iron counterparts. The structural evolution of the metal species with loading plays a critical role in the catalytic behavior. In the case of Fe-catalysts, a gradual Fe-coverage of HAP surface resulted in an increasing trend in the activity. Conversely, for Cu-catalysts high activity and selectivity were associated with a moderate structuration of Cu(II) in the form of nanoparticles with size of around 1.6 nm.

For more information, here you can find the original article.

16/01/2023 NEW PAPER

A new application for hydroxyapatite: sensing heavy metal cations. In this recent publication in collaboratiom with Prof. Trasatti’s Group the great performance of nanostructured hydroxyapatite (HAP) in adsorbing heavy metal cations with the good electrical conductivity of high-surface carbon materials is combined for the crafting of high-content hydroxyapatite electrodes (Hap 84–96 wt.%) endowed with the synergistic capability of detection and adsorption of heavy metal cations (Pb2+ and Cu2+) by water solutions.

If you are interested, read the paper.

27/10/2022 NEW PAPER

We had a dream: we would synergistically join the key concepts of environmental protection and circular economy.

Now our paper “Multifunctional interfaces for multiple uses: tin(II)-hydroxyapatite for reductive adsorption of Cr(VI) and its upcycling into catalyst for air protection reactions” has been published on Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (

The title leaves no room for doubt: our dream became reality!!

In this study we optimized the Cr(VI) removal capacity of tin(II)-modified hydroxyapatite (Sn/HAP), an interesting material recently studied by our research group in the reductive adsorption of Cr(VI). In this study particular attention has been devoted to optimizing not only the Cr(VI) removal performance but also the entire adsorbent value chain, from the synthesis to the after-life of the used sorbents.
Hydroxyapatite, a stable and low-cost biomaterial, was synthesized by cheap precursors and then functionalized by tin(II) deposition from aqueous solutions. The obtained materials were characterized by higher surface area which assured an enhanced tin(II) phase dispersion. This allowed to double the Cr(VI) removal capacity compared to Sn/HAP materials previously presented in the literature. In addition, the used Sn+Cr/HAP materials have been recovered and re-used in a second step as catalysts in reactions of environmental protection (e.g. denitrification of gaseous emissions, de-NOx, and oxidation of organic compounds).
These promising results could open the way to a “circular economy” perspective in the environmental remediation field.

The success of this work is uniquely the result of the talent and enthusiasm of all our co-workers (Mirko, Gina, Claudio and Laura) whom we have to thank for this.

18/10/2022 NEW PAPERS

Niobium-based catalysts are well-established solid acid catalysts, which in the last decades have received great attention. Since 1990’s, Prof. Carniti and Prof. Gervasini have studied the unique surface properties of niobium oxide and niobium phosphate and its relation with their promising activity in hydrolysis and dehydration reactions for polysaccharidic biomass valorization.

The ever present interest of our group towards Nb-based catalysts is recently culminated in two research papers in collaboration with important national and international groups.

In the first paper, titled “Surface acid properties of Nb2O5–P2O5–SiO2 gel-derived catalysts” and published in Microporous and Mesoporous Materials  (Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2022, 343, 112190), acidic ternary solids were prepared by an innovative green synthetic route, developed by Prof. Aronne‘s research team (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) and successfully tested as catalysts in ethanol conversion, with production of ethylene and acetaldehyde thanks to the colaboration with Prof. Guido Busca group (Università degli Studi di Genova). The main surface properties (morphology and acidity) were characterized at both gas/solid and water/solid interfaces in our laboratories.

The second paper is titled “Two-dimensional MXenes as catalytic “flying carpets” to transport biomass valorization towards new horizons: The case of furfural catalytic transfer hydrogenation over noble-metal free niobium-based carbides” and it has been published in Catalysis Today.

It is a cutting-edge contribution dealing with the synthesis and characterization of two-dimensional niobium carbides and their catalytic applications for the liquid-phase catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH) of furfural in the presence of 2-propanol as hydrogen donor. This research presents novel results in the direction of using noble metal free catalysts for an important topic such as the furfural valorisation and it is the fruit of a prestigious collaboration of our group with the research group of Prof. Michael Naguib (Tulane University, USA), top-leader in the synthesis of bidimensional metal carbides (MXenes) and the research team of Prof. Alberto Villa (Università degli Studi di Milano), expert in the design of noble metal and metal-free catalysts for biomass valorisation. If you want to jump on this “flying” study, click here

10/08/2022 AWARD


It gives us great pleasure to announce that Dr. Melissa Galloni, past Ph.D. Student of our group, has been chosen as this year’s recipient of the “Adolfo Parmaliana 2022” Award. This award is given annually by Gruppo Interdivisionale di Catalisi (GIC) of Italian Chemistry Society to Ph.D. Thesis that demonstrates exceptional quality and devotion to the topic of catalysis for a sustainable development. It is a prestigious honor that serves to recognize the hard work of Melissa and the high quality of the research projects that Prof. Gervasini Group carries out. We are grateful to GIC for this important acknowledgement and congratulations to Melissa.

07/06/2022 NEW PAPER

We are proud to inform you that our manuscript “Steering Cu-based CO2RR Electrocatalyst Selectivity: the Effect of Hydroxyapatite Acid/Base Moieties in promoting Formate Production” has been accepted for publication in ACS Energy Letters (IF 23.101). The letter originates from the collaboration with the group of Prof. Plamen (University of Irvine, California, US). This is an important result for our group and it is the acknowledgement of the relevance of our studies on the use of hydroxyapatite in environmental catalysis.

Click here to read the letter.

07/09/2021 NEW PAPER

Phosphate Enrichment of Niobium-Based Catalytic Surfaces in Relation to Reactions of Carbohydrate Biomass Conversion: The Case Studies of Inulin Hydrolysis and Fructose Dehydration

Mariana Catrinck has been a visiting Ph.D. Student from Brazil. During her six-month stage in our group Mariana worked hardly and collected a huge number of results, but Mariana is also a pleasant person and it was so good to share a part of our lives with her. Although the presence of Mariana in our lives remains crystallized over time in our memories, now also her scientific contribution to the activities of our group has been sealed by the publication of an interesting paper within the Commemorative Issue in Honor of Professor Gerhard Ertl on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday in Catalysts. In this work, some physical mixtures of Nb2O5·nH2O and NbOPO4 were prepared to study the role of phosphate groups in the total acidity of samples and in two reactions involving carbohydrate biomass: hydrolysis of polyfructane and dehydration of fructose/glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). The acid and catalytic properties of the mixtures were dominated by the phosphate group enrichment. Lewis and Brønsted acid sites were detected by FT-IR experiments with pyridine adsorption/desorption under dry and wet conditions. Lewis acidity decreased with NbP in the composition, while total acidity of the samples, measured by titrations with phenylethylamine in cyclohexane (~3.5 μeq m−2) and water (~2.7 μeq m−2), maintained almost the same values. Inulin conversion took advantage of the presence of surfaces rich in Brønsted sites, and NbOPO4 showed the best hydrolysis activity with glucose/fructose formation. The catalyst with a more phosphated surface showed less deactivation during the dehydration of fructose/glucose into HMF.

Read the full-text at

26/07/2021 NEW PAPER

We are pleased to let you know that the final version of our article Tuning the sorption ability of hydroxyapatite/carbon composites for the simultaneous remediation of wastewaters containing organic-inorganic pollutants has been published on Journal of Hazardous Materials (I.F. 10.588). It is now available online and you can use the Share Link – a personalized URL providing 50 days’ free access to the article – to read it.
Anyone clicking on this link before September 12, 2021 will be taken directly to the final version of our article on ScienceDirect, which you are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required.
Click on the link below to read the article: (valid until 12/09/2021)

In any case, the paper will be always available online at


Vincere la materia è comprenderla, e comprendere la materia è necessario per comprendere l’universo e noi stessi”- Primo Levi, “Sistema Periodico”.

Oggi alcuni di noi interverranno in prima persona nell’evento organizzato dalla Centrale dell’Acqua di Milano ( dedicato alle scuole medie inferiori e superiori interessate in un viaggio alla scoperta degli elementi chimici.

In particolare, il nostro talk, dal titolo “A caccia di metalli pesanti nelle acque e di sostanze nocive nell’aria“, vi porterà alla scoperta di un materiale in grado di ripulire l’acqua da metalli pesanti ed inquinanti e, nello stesso tempo in una logica di economia circolare, capace di essere anche un catalizzatore in processi di eliminazione di sostanze nocive nell’aria. Stiamo parlando dell’idrossiapatite (HAP), uno dei componenti principali anche dello scheletro umano. Le caratteristiche di questo minerale permettono di utilizzarlo nella rimozione di metalli inquinanti presenti nelle acque. In particolare, metalli pericolosi per la salute umana come il cromo esavalente o il piombo.

L’evento verrà trasmesso in diretta dalle ore 11.30 sul canale Youtube (, sulla pagina Facebook ( e su Instagram ( Seguiteci!!


Oggi la Prof. Gervasini e Sebastiano sono stati intervistati nella puntata della trasmissione “BREAKING LAB”, programma di Radio Statale. L’evento è stato mandato in onda alle ore 18.00. Il fulcro dell’intervista era incentrato sulle attività di ricerca presenti e future del gruppo ed in particolare sul ciclo di valorizzazione del materiale idrossiapatitico per il risanamento ambientale di aria e acqua. Per riascoltare il postcast, maggiori informazioni sono riportate nella pagina del sito “Public engagement”.

E’ possibile ascoltare il podcast come pure visualizzare il video su alcuni canali/piattaforme:

Canali social della trasmissione:





03/12/2020 NEW PAPER

We are pleased to let you know that our last article on eco-friendly catalysts for air-quality protection (entitled “Environmental Reactions of Air-Quality Protection on Eco-Friendly Iron-Based Catalysts“) has been published on Catalysts (Special Issue: New Generation of Eco-Friendly Catalysts for Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of NOx and Related Reactions). You can read it here:


“La chimica riveste un ruolo importantissimo per dare un futuro alla nostra vita e l’impegno dei ricercatori del Dipartimento di Chimica in campi quali sicurezza delle acque e degli alimenti, qualità dell’aria e riciclo dei materiali è sempre maggiore. Il Dipartimento di Chimica vi propone un percorso tra chimica e sostenibilità”.

Quest’anno anche noi in qualità di Gervasini’s group parteciperemo al MeetMeTonight 2020. In quest’occasione presenteremo il nostro contributo che spiega le nostre linee di ricerca sull’idrossiapatite, un materiale che può essere valorizzato per la tutela dell’acqua e dell’aria. 

L’evento sarà online… Seguiteci al seguente link: Chimica ambientale e chimica verde: dalla sostenibilità all’economia circolare – Meet Me Tonight 2020.

5/11/2020 NEW PAPER

La Prof. Gervasini da molti anni si occupa di molte tematiche che riguardano lo sviluppo e studio di catalizzatori eterogenei per diverse reazioni di interesse industriale e/o ambientale. In particolare, al fine di delineare le caratteristiche dei catalizzatori è sicuramente fondamentale avere informazioni riguardanti le proprietà di superficie in termini di acidità, per esempio.

Recentemente la Prof. Gervasini ha pubblicato una Review in collaborazione con il Prof. Guido Busca (Università di Genova) che descrive questa tematica. Se volete approfondire, trovate il contributo al seguente link:

30/10/2020 AWARD

We are pleased to let you know that MIRKO (Master Student in Industrial chemistry) has been selected as Winner of the Prestigious “Giorgio Squinzi” Award of FEDERCHIMICA with his thesis entitled “Tin-functionalized hydroxyapatite for hexavalent chromium removal and resuse as catalyst in gas phase reactions” (supervisor: Prof. Antonella Gervasini; co-supervisor: Dr. Sebastiano Campisi).

Congratulations Mirko!

For further info, see the site of our Chemistry Department: 

29/10/2020 NEW PAPER

We are pleased to let you know that the final version of our article Combination of Interfacial Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium and Trivalent Chromium Immobilization on Tin-Functionalized Hydroxyapatite Materials has been published on Applied Surface Science.

Click here, this is a Share Link – a personalized URL providing 50 days’ free access to our article. Anyone clicking on this link before December 18, 2020 will be taken directly to the final version of the article on ScienceDirect, which they are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required.


We are pleased to let you know that Prof. Gervasini and Sebastiano had the pleasure to contribute to “La Chimica e l’industria (vol. 05/2020)” with an article (Idrossiapatite: applicazioni ambientali), which describes the attractive world of valorisation cycle of this material.

You can read it:

7-9/09/2020 CONFERENCE

Covid-19 epidemy does not stop the research work of Gervasini’ group…

In these days, PROF. GERVASINI and MELISSA will partecipate to the “11th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2020)” ( to present our results obtained on eco-friendly catalysts based on hydroxyapatite for environmental reactions. 

Good luck!

For further info, see the section “Conferences”.


10/07/2020 AWARD

We are pleased to announce that the poster of MELISSA has been selected among the winners of the Postgraduate Summer School on Green Chemistry (,

Melissa’s poster

“Iron functionalised hydroxyapatites as efficient eco-friendly catalysts for air-quality protection”

(authors: M.G. Galloni, S. Campisi, A. Gervasini)

summarized all the important results we collected in the last years concerning iron-loaded hydroxyapatite materials as catalysts for environmental reactions of air protection.
This is an important acknowledgement to the efforts of Melissa and to the intensive research work of all our group.
Congratulations MELISSA!
For further info, see the section “Conferences”.

03/06/2020 NEW PAPER

“...from diamonds nothing is born “, as De André has taught us,  but what about mesoporous carbons?

Carbon materials represent an attractive metal-free and green alternative to conventional metal-based catalysts. The control of porosity and surface acid features is a key step in the design of effective carbocatalysts for biomass valorization.

Read our recent paper published on New Journal of Chemistry.


21/12/2019 NEW PAPER

We are proud to announce that our contribution titled “Functionalized Iron Hydroxyapatite as Eco‐friendly Catalyst for NH3‐SCR Reaction: Activity and Role of Iron Speciation on the Surface” has been published in the special collection French Conference of Catalysis in ChemCatChem.

Following the heritage of Sabatier and Chauvin, two French Nobel Prizes in Catalysis, the French Conference of Catalysis (FCCat) is the occasion for the French and the International Catalysis community to share most advanced results in a friendly spirit.

Guest edited by Audrey Bonduelle, Franck Launay, Axel Löfberg, Sébastien Thomas, and Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou, this Special Collection gathers contributions from French researchers in catalysis, as well as from researchers from France and outside France who made FCCat 2 a success with their support, their advice and their scientific contributions.


21-25/11/2019 RESEARCH

During these days SEBASTIANO and MICHELE will be at the Elettra Synchrotron (Trieste) for collecting XRD diffrattograms on some samples based on hydroxyapatite.

This work will be in collaboration with Prof. Scavini.

Good work, guys!


20/11/2019 MEETING

Today our group will visit the Istec CNR of Faenza.

In particular PROF. GERVASINI and SEBASTIANO will present our results concerning hydroxyapatite-based materials for environmental applications (see section “Conferences”).

Good luck!


10/10/2019 – 11/10/2019 MEETING

MeetMeOnChem 2019 (MMOC19) is an event organised for PhD students to explain and divulgate the main scientific results obtained.

During this event,  MELISSA e MICHELE presented the results concerning their research activity. 

Here a photo of the event (details in the section “Conferences”).



Gervasini’Group supports Sustainability

We are pleased to announce that today we will partecipate to the “Festival della Sostenibilità 2019” organised by our Department.

During this meeting SEBASTIANO will present the main topics of our research group activity with a presentation, whose title is:

“Dal trattamento di acque reflue alla catalisi eterogenea: valorizzazione dell’idrossiapatite in una prospettiva di economia circolare”


26/4/2019 NEW PAPER

Solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) is a promising synthetic route to immobilize noble  and non-noble  metal nanoparticles onto different kinds of supports guaranteeing a high dispersion of the metal phase. Dr. Claudio Evangelisti is an expert of SMAD and we are happy to successfully collaborate with him.

In our last paper published on The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, we demonstrated that Fe nanoparticles deposited on β Zeolite by SMAD approach are promising catalysts for the selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia (NH3-SCO).

We would like to share these interesting findings with you…please, click here and read our paper.


18/4/2019 NEW PAPER

The renowned journal Applied Catalysis A: General dedicated a Special Issue entitled “Surface Chemistry and Catalysis: Recent Developments in Acid-Base, Metal and Redox Catalytic Processes” to the scientific work of Prof. Guido Busca on the occasion of his 65th birthday.

Prof. Guido Busca is Full Professor of Industrial and Technological Chemistry at the University of Genova and he is no doubt one of the main leading scientists in the field of catalysis and characterization of materials.

Prof. Antonella Gervasini collaborates on friendly terms with Prof. Busca for a long time and therefore she has been invited to contribute with a research paper.

Our group has been happy to celebrate Prof. Guido Busca with an interesting paper in collaboration with our colleagues of Napoli and Cagliari.

The final version of our article “Influence of the Nb/P ratio of acidic Nb-P-Si oxides on surface and catalytic properties” is now available online. Click here.


30/3/2019 NEW PAPER

Gervasini’Group is not afraid to face the challenges of the modernity

Corre veloce, ma in che senso
il nostro tempo sconosciuto e strano
e i nostri occhi spaventati
guardano ciò che ci circonda
e non sanno credere ad un tecnico sortilegio che
pian piano e indifferente ci rapina
e ci trascina verso una realtà
che non vedremo mai (fra entità sconosciute e computers)
che non vedremo mai (fra le schede cifrate e le città)
che non vedremo mai…

– da “Mondo Nuovo” di F. Guccini

A good scientist must to be able to look at the future in order to be ready to address the next challenges.

Cobalt and Nickel are two potential pollutants, especially in electronic industrial wastewaters. For this reason, it is important to study eventual solutions.

Is hydroxyapatite a suitable sorbent for these species?

You can find the answer by clicking on the link below:


14/2/2019 NEW PAPER

It seems that our intensive work on the use of hydroxyapatite in water remediation and enviromental catalysis is receiving great attention. Our last article “Comparative performance of copper and iron functionalized hydroxyapatite catalysts in NH3-SCR” has been accepted for publication on Catalysis Communication.

Copper or iron, this is the question!

And the answer is here. What are you waiting for? Let’s read the article!


7-11/1/2019 AWARD

Happy New Year! This 2019 starts with a prize!

During these days, MICHELE has been in Bardonecchia for ICS 2019 (Innovative Catalysis and Sustainability-Scientific and socio-economic aspects) to divulgate our scientific results.

He won the Prize for “Sustainable Energy & fuel” section with a poster focusing on

The “virtuous cycle” of hydroxyapatite: from remediation of heavy metal pollution to catalytic/electrocatalytic applications.

Congratulations Michi!


04/01/2019 NEW PAPER

We are pleased to let you know that our last article “In-Depth Study of the Mechanism of Heavy Metal Trapping on the Surface of Hydroxyapatite” has been published on Applied Surface Science.

If you want to discover the secrets of hydroxyapatite surfaces, don’t miss the opportunity to read this interesting paper…Click here.


03/12/2018 CONFERENCE

Today Prof. GERVASINI has been invited in Sorbonne University-CNRS (Paris) for explaining the main topics of our scientific production.

The title of her seminary is “Uses of hydroxyapatite-based materials in environmental catalysis“.

Good luck!


09/11/2018 MEETING

Today SEBASTIANO presents the fruitful results obtained during the period he spent in Lyon.

At the same time, MELISSA presents the main topics of her Doctorate project to the UNIMI Commission. This project will deal with the development of metal functionalized hydroxyapatite catalysts for air quality protection, in collaboration with Ircelyon.

Good luck, guys!!


2-5/09/2018 CONFERENCE

Gervasini’ group is a reality in the world of Applied Physical Chemistry for Catalysis and Environment…

MICHELE and SEBASTIANO are in Politecnico di Milano for XX Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi – XX Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale (GIC-DiChIn2018). They will present our works, focusing on the main scientific results obtained in this last year with the support of Master and Bachelor students!


27-31/08/2018 CONFERENCE

During these days, MICHELE Ferri, Ph.D student, is in Lublin for the Tenth International Symposium Effects of Surface Heterogeneity  in Adsorption, Catalysis and related Phenomena (ISSHAC-10). 


5-10/08/2018 CONFERENCE

In these days, Prof. GERVASINI and Prof. CARNITI have been invited to TOCAT 8, the 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Tecnology.

They will present our last results related to:

  • the study of effective acidities of catalysts based on niobium phosphate in relation with their catalytic activity in reactions of biomass conversion;
  • the efficient metal functionalized hydroxyapatite catalysts used for several environmental reaction.


29/06/2018 NEW PAPER

We are pleased to let you know that our last paper “Focus on the catalytic performances of Cu-functionalized hydroxyapatites in NH3-SCR reaction” is now available online in Applied Catalysis A website.,L4mbCbGE

Click on the link below to read the paper.


19/06/2018 AWARD


We are pleased to announce that Dr. Sebastiano Campisi has been selected for the “Make Our Planet Great Again” Short-Stay program.

MOPGA is a new program, launched in March 2018 and supervised by Campus France and financed by the french Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).

The program is “a call to researchers and students, entrepreneurs, associations and NGOs, students and all civil society to mobilize and join France to lead the fight against global warming.

Sebastiano is 8th in the principal list of laureates  (1st among EU researchers) and have been selected amongst more than 350 candidates.

He will spend 1 month (15 October-16 November 2018) in IRCELYON, an excellence research centre in LYON. In IRCELYON Sebastiano will lay the foundations for the project “Hydroxylapatite-based materials for environmental catalysis: a thermodynamic insight on the metal uptake process”


07/06/2018 NEW PAPER

Niobium phosphate (NbP) is an old acquaintance of our group.

Since the early 2000s Prof. Antonella Gervasini and Prof. Paolo Carniti explored the enormous potential of this material as solid acid catalyst.

So many years later, NbP keeps giving scientific satisfactions…We are pleased to inform that our last article, entitled “A Rational Revisiting of Niobium Oxophosphate Catalysts for Carbohydrate Biomass Reactionshas just been published on Topics in Catalysis.

In this paper we propose an overview of the surface properties and the catalytic performances of NbP in polysaccharidic biomass conversion into fine chemicals.

If you want to know more, please visit the link:

DOI  10.1007/s11244-018-0999-x


31/05/2018 CONFERENCE

MatDeMet and ProSurMat land in Lublin

We are glade to announce that Michele Ferri (Ph.D Student) has been selected as speaker for the Tenth International Symposium Effects of Surface Heterogeneity  in Adsorption, Catalysis and related Phenomena (ISSHAC-10), which will be held in Lublin from 27th to 31st August.

Michele will propose a very interesting talk entitled

Structurally and morphologically tailored hydroxyapatite materials for effective immobilization of polluting heavy metal species from wastewaters“,

which summarizes main results obtained thanks to the fruitful collaboration between MatDeMet and ProSurMat Sections of our Group.

We are sure that it will be a good opportunity to make known our recent work.


28/05/2018 MEETING


What is Riccardo doing?

He’s dreaming of a greener world…and, fortunately he’s not just dreaming…he’s also working to contribute to make our planet green!

Now, it’s time to communicate his important results about Cr(VI) removal from polluted wastewaters.

You can’t miss this meeting!

See you on Monday 28th May 2018, 10.30 a.m.  Aula Bianchi.


08/03/2018 MEETING

Goodbye Mariana

Dear all, 

Next Friday Mariana will come back to Brazil after 6 month stay in Milan.
On Thursday, 8th March (h 15,30) Mariana will present the excellent results obtained during her fruitful work in our laboratories.
The meeting will conclude with a tea break in Calicantus Unimi Bar to say goodbye to Mariana.

07/02/2018 MEETING

ECAPA2018 – Winter Meeting

Dozens of Italian cities are in the air pollution danger zone, with 25 exceeding the EU’s standards for air quality, according to a report by Legambiente, the environmental organisation. In addition, three italian big cities (Turin, Milan and Naples) hold the european record for the highest annual average concentration of PM10. (

Consequently, all the (italian) scientists should be involved in proposing suitable solutions for a cleaner and safer environment.

In some small way, the group of Prof. Gervasini and in particular the Environmental Catalysis for Air Pollution Abatement (ECAPA) Subdivision is making a great effort to develop innovative heterogeneous catalysts for improving air quality.

In this context, Ms. Melissa Greta Galloni (Master Student in Industrial Chemistry) will present our results on “Advanced materials for denitrification of contaminated gaseous emissions”.

7th February 2018

Aula Bianchi (Chemistry Department – UNIMI)


18/12/2017 MEETING

Winter is coming…it’s time to sum up the results of fall period and take-home important suggestions for the future projects.

Michele Ferri (Ph.D Student) will present his preliminary results on the project “Hydroxyapatite-based materials for environmental applications – Environmental  Control and Sustainable Processes”

18th December 2017 in our Office

(Room S18S, Basement) at 9.45 a.m.
