
Research activity is divided into four different topics related to 4 subdivisions:

  • ProSurMat: Probing the Surface of Materials

Surface and mass characterization of catalysts, in particular acid solid catalysts by complementary physico-chemical techniques of study (thermal, spectroscopic, microscopic techniques);

  • SEEDS: Sciences for Energy, Environment, Development and Sustainability

Conversion of polysaccharidic biomass (inulin, cellulose, hemicellulose, etc.) by tailored acid catalysts to various platform oxygenated compounds;

  • ECAPA: Environmental Catalysis for Air Pollution Abatement

Environmental catalysis: de-NOx and de-VOCs activity with gas-solid heterogeneous catalysis without the use of heavy metals;

  • MatDeMet: Materials for De-Metallation Processes

Environmental catalysis: de-metallation of surface polluted waters by hydroxyapatite materials