Biagio di Mauro

Pan-Alpine glacier albedo variability from MODIS data

4 thoughts on “Biagio di Mauro”

  1. Dear Biagio,
    nice poster and interesting study! Do you see any “saturation” of the albedo variability in years of extreme negative or extreme positive mass balance? i.e. in an extreme negative year the glacier cannot get any “darker” but still loose more mass?
    best, Michael

    1. Biagio Di Mauro

      Dear Michael,
      thanks for the question. In our preliminary results, we did not notice a marked saturation in albedo variability for “extreme” years.

  2. Lindsey Nicholson

    In your analysis did you recognise any evidence of glaciers becoming more debris-covered, or would this be a different analysis to that of darkening ice?

    1. Biagio Di Mauro

      Dear Lindsey,
      thanks for the question. We consider only “snow” and “ice” pixel, since we use MOD10A1 MODIS product. So we are not considering the debris covered part of a glacier.

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