About me

I am a Logician, Philosopher of Computation and Information.

I am Professor of Logic, member of the Logic, Uncertainty, Computation and Information Lab (LUCI)  in the Department of Philosophy, University of Milan.

I am Co-founder and Chief Research Officer of MIRAI, a spin-off of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Milan.

I act as Scientific Director for PhilTech – Research Center for the Philosophy of Technology, University of Milan.

I am Programme Leader for the Master’s Degree in Human-Centered AI at the Universities of Milan, Milan-Bicocca and Pavia.

Previously, I was Senior Lecturer in Computing Sciences at the Foundations of Computing Group, Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University London (UK). Before that I was Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ghent University (Belgium) and Leiden University (the Netherlands). I held pre- and post-doctoral visiting positions at CUNY Graduate Centre, Oxford University, Stockholm University, Università di Sassari. I also did some work in Industry as scientific consultant for Soffos.ai

My research focuses on formal models of dynamic rationality for intelligent mechanical and natural information systems, the semantics and proof theory of computational systems, the foundations of computing.

Curriculum Vitae

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