Paola Maria Rossi
Paola Maria Rossi graduated in Lingua e Letteratura sanscrita at the Università degli Studi di Milano with a dissertation entitled "Rituali della nascita nei Gṛhyasūtra" (tutor Prof. Carlo Della Casa). In 2001, she became a PhD in Glottologia e Filologia at the Università degli Studi di Milano, defending the thesis "Il termine chandas nell'Aṣṭādhyāyī di Pāṇini: relazione tra grammatica pāṇiniana e testo poetico vedico" (tutor Prof. Renato Arena, and with the supervision of Prof. Giuliano Boccali). She was awarded a post-doctoral scholarship in History of Religion and Classical Religions at the Università degli Studi di Padova (tutor Prof. Paolo Scarpi). She has been assistant professor in Sanskrit Language and Literature at the Università degli Studi di Milano, and in Glottology and Linguistics (Glottologia e Linguistica applicata) at the Università dell'Insubria. She is currently teaching at the secondary school (Liceo Classico "A. Manzoni", Milano).
Fields of interests: Vedic ritualistic culture, sramanic culture focusing on its Upaniṣadic and Buddhist interactions, pre-kāvya Sanskrit Literature, body and image between iconism and an-iconism.
Pubblicazioni scelte"
- "The Sounds of the Warrior: The Vedic Drums between War and Poetry", in Indologica Taurinensia, vol. XL, Proceedings of the Conference "Patterns of Bravery. The Figure of the Hero in Indian Literature, Art and Thought", Cagliari, 14th-16th May 2015, ed. by Tiziana Pontillo, 2014 (2016), pp. 253-288.
- "Poetry, Nature and Meditation in the Vessantarajātaka", in Pandanusâ '14. Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual, (2014.1), pp. 47-63.
- Vessantara. Il principe generoso. Storia buddhista, Traduzione e note critiche, Mimesis edizioni, Milano 2012.
- "Rethinking the Question of Images (Aniconism vs Iconism) in Indian History of Art", in collaboration with M. Congedo, in Signless Signification in Ancient India and Beyond, edited by M.P. Candotti-T. Pontillo, Anthem Press, London-New York-Delhi, 2012, pp. 195-221, in particular pp. 201-221.
- "Interpreting the term śakti in the Vedic context", in Rivista di Studi Orientali, LXXXIV (2011), pp. 343-357.
- "Forest of desires and desire of forests: a way to the Buddhist ethics", in Res Antiquitatis, 1 (2010), pp. 181-214.
- "The forest of meditation: the poetry of the paradoxical connotation in the Buddhist Theragathas, in "Pandanus '09: Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. To the Memory of Kamil Zvelebil", ed. by J. Vacek - M. Hribek, Prague 2009, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 37-53.
- "Una stele eroica ritrovata a Lisbona. Il destino ultraterreno del guerriero", in Argumenta Antiquitatis, a cura di G. Zanetto - M. Ornaghi, "Quaderni di Acme", 109, Cisalpino, Milano, 2009, pp. 117-134.
- "Desire and non-desire: the forest of asceticism in the poetry of Aśvaghoṣa", in Kings and Ascetics in Indian Classical Literature, International Seminar, 21-22 September 2007, ed. by P.M. Rossi-C. Pieruccini, "Quaderni di Acme", 112, Cisalpino, Milano, pp. 135-148.
- "The apsaras-es' image in the Pāli Buddhist canon", in Cracow Indological Studies, Vol. 7, Love and Nature in Kāvya Literature, Proceedings, ed. by Lidia Sudyka, Krakow 2005, pp. 175-192.
- "L'immagine dell'oceano nelle Theragāthā: dall'oceano saṃsarico al nibbāna oceanico", in La Natura nel Pensiero, nella Letteratura e nelle Arti dell'India, Atti del Seminario dell'XI Convegno nazionale di Studi Sanscriti, a cura di Giuliano Boccali e Paola M. Rossi, Torino 2004, pp. 95-107.
- "Sea-images in pre-Kāvya literature: the relationship between Mahābhārata and Pāli Buddhist canon occurences", in Pandanus '03. Nature Symbols in Literature, ed. by Jaroslav Vacek, Signeta, Prague 2003, pp. 167-214.
- "O aparecimento do brahman: a Kenopaniṣad III-IV khaṇṇa", in A Mente, a Religião e a Ciência, Actas do Colóquio, a cura di Carlos João Correia, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa 2003, pp. 63-79.
- Storia di Vessantara, il principe generoso (Vessantara Jātaka), a cura di Paola Rossi, Mimesis, Milano 1995.