Here some of the conferences/workshops I’ve contributed to organize.
- CEWQO20 (postponed to 2021) 27th Central European workshop on Quantum Optics (Milan, Italy)
- AQM19 4th Applied Quantum Mechanics meeting (Milan, Italy)
- IQIS19 12th italian quantum information science conference (Milan, Italy)
- QMOS18 Quantum Metrology and Open Quantum Systems workhop (Kodaikanal, India)
- QCSE18 School on Quantum complex systems out of equilibrium (Como, Italy)
- AQM17 3rd Applied Quantum Mechanics meeting (Varazze, Italy)
- CDIP17 Congress of the Physics Department Aldo Pontremoli
- AQM16 2nd Applied Quantum Mechanics meeting (Venezia, Italy)
- NMQD15 Non Markovian quantum dynamics (Cortona, Italy)
- AQM15 1st Applied Quantum Mechanics meeting (Modena, Italy)
- TWIN13 2nd twin workshop Quantum complex systems (Wick, Scotland)
- TWIN12 1st twin workshop The meaning of being quantum (Favignana, Italy)