Prof. Avv. Albert Henke – albert.henke@unimi.it
Aggregate Professor at Università degli Studi in Milan, where he teachesTransnational Commercial Litigation, International Commercial and Investment Arbitration and Moot Court Module – Via Arbitration Moot. In the period 2015-2018 he has been Jean Monnet Professor of European Civil Procedure in a Comparative and Transnational Perspective (Jean Monnet Module).
Research Fellow and Lecturer of Civil Procedure at the same University [since 2007].
Funder and Scientific Coordinator of the Centre of Research on European and Transnational Dispute Settlement [https://sites.unimi.it/translitigation/]
Visiting Professor at the Kuwait International Law School (Kuwait City) in June-July 2018.
Main areas of interest are domestic, European and international civil procedure, international commercial and investment arbitration, private international law, on which topics I have published extensively, both in Italian and in English.
Member of many European and international scientific research projects and lectured in many Universities abroad (including Columbia Law School, New York).
National Reporter for Italy (along with Prof. Remo Caponi, Florence University) for the EU Evaluation Study on the Impact of National Procedural Laws and Practices on the free circulation of judgements and on the equivalence and effectiveness of the procedural protection of consumers under EU law, launched by the EU Commission and coordinated by the Max Planck Institute in Luxembourg.
Rapporteur on the topic Rethinking the Role of the Courts in the Arbitral Process and Interim Measures at the first ICC, LCIA, ICSID, AAA, PCA, UNCITRAL Joint Conference held in Mauritius in 2010.
Associate Legal Expert at the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) (2005-2006), working for the working groups on international commercial arbitration and insolvency law.
Member of the editorial board of Rivista di Diritto Processuale; Int’l Lis – Rivista di Diritto Processuale Internazionale e Arbitrato Internazionale; Diritto del Commercio Internazionale.
Member of the Global Advisory Board of the International Centre of Dispute Resolution (ICDR) – 2012 – 2016 – and I am currently member of the Special Interest Group on Dispute Resolution of the European Law Institute (Vienna).
Co-coordinator of the International Arbitration Group for ASLA (the Association of Italian Law Firms) [2015-2019]
Qualified Italian lawyer [since 2005]
Consultant of Clifford Chance Law Firm in Milan in the field of domestic and international dispute resolution [2010-2018], being involved as counsel in several domestic and international arbitration proceedings under different arbitration rules (ICC, CAM, LCIA).
Coordinator and Supervisor of the teams of Università degli Studi, Milan which annually take part in the tofollowing international moot competitions:
The Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna (https://vismoot.pace.edu/), since 2008.
The Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court in Frtankfurt (http://www.investmentmoot.org/), since 2017.
The Pax Moot – Paris-The Hague (https://paxmoot.com/), since 2017.
For a complete overview of the cv, publications and speeches please visit: https://work.unimi.it/chiedove/cv/albert_henke.pdf