
Seminar by Filippo Troiani

3 Jun , 2018 - Seminars,News

Filippo Troiani will deliver a seminar on Tue, 5 June at 12.00 in Aula Polvani (1st floor LITA building): Quantum magnetometry with thermal and continuously driven spins

Heinz-Peter Breuer visiting AQM

29 May , 2018 - Visiting,Seminars,News

Heinz-Peter Breuer (University of Freiburg, Germany) is visiting the group from 29 to 31 May 2018. On Tue, 29 May at 12.30 in Aula Polvani, he will deliver a seminar about: Mixing-induced quantum non-Markovianity, system-environment correlations  and information flow

May seminars

8 May , 2018 - Seminars,News,Visiting

In May we will host a series of seminars; here’s the list (timings and locations will be added). Tuesday, 15 May 2018 Sofia Zebboudj (University of Bejaia) “Deterministic measurement device independent quantum key distribution with two secret bits per shared entangled pair” Tuesday, 22 May 2018 Filippo Troiani (CNR – Modena) Tuesday, 29 May 2018 Nicola […]

April seminars

27 Mar , 2018 - Seminars,Visiting

In April we will host a series of seminars; here’s the list (please note the different timings). Thursday, 5 April 2018 14:00 Aula Polvani (piano 1 LITA) Alessio Serafini (University College London) “Quantum Control of Continuous Variables” Tuesday, 10 April 2018 12:15 Aula Polvani (piano 1 LITA) Patrick Hofer (Lund University) “Fundamental limits on low-temperature quantum […]

Talk by Ernesto Benítez on Tue 14 Nov

13 Nov , 2017 - Seminars

On Tue 14 Nov 2017, 12AM, at the Auletta ottica quantistica — (LITA Building, 5th floor), our visitor Ernesto Benítez Rodríguez from the University of Puebla (MX) will give a seminar entitled “The Sten-Gerlach experiment”.

Talks by Matteo Rossi and Carmen porto on Tue 17 Oct

7 Oct , 2017 - Seminars

On Tuesday 17 October, at the  Aula Ottica Quantistica (LITA buliding, 5th floor), Matteo rossi and Carmen Porto will deliver their end-of-year seminars as part of their PhD course requirements. Here is the program: 11:30 Matteo Rossi “Quantum reinforcement learning  with superconducting circuits: basic protocols and effects of noise” 12:00 Carmen Porto “Detection of squeezing […]

Workshop on Applied Quantum Mechanics

7 Sep , 2017 - Seminars,Conferences

The Workshop on Applied Quantum Mechanics, organized by Marco Genoni within the framework of the H2020 project ConAquMe (Quantum Control for Advanced Quantum Metrology), will take place at the Physics Department of Unimi, LITA building, fifth floor, on Wednesday, 20th September starting at 10:30.

Antonio Mandarino’s talk on Tue 18 July

26 Jun , 2017 - Seminars,Visiting

Antonio Mandarino from the Polish Academy of Science will be with us from 17 to 21 July. On Tue 18 Jul 2:30PM (auletta QO, 5th floor LITA) he will deliver the following seminar Bipartite unitary gates and billiard dynamics in the Weyl chamber