Pure and Applied Quantum Mechanics Group j

Quantum Technology Lab on the cover of J. Phys. A

10 Jul , 2017 - News

A picture taken from a recent work of Luigi Seveso et al. is on the cover of Journal of Physics A. The paper is about the estimation of  the mass of a quantum particle in a gravitational field and the seek of the ultimate bounds to precision for quantum-limited detection schemes.

Antonio Mandarino’s talk on Tue 18 July

26 Jun , 2017 - Seminars,Visiting

Antonio Mandarino from the Polish Academy of Science will be with us from 17 to 21 July. On Tue 18 Jul 2:30PM (auletta QO, 5th floor LITA) he will deliver the following seminar Bipartite unitary gates and billiard dynamics in the Weyl chamber

Talk by Riccardo Laurenza on Tue 11 July

25 Jun , 2017 - Seminars

Riccardo Laurenza, from the University of York, is giving a talk on Tue 11 July 2017, 2.30 PM, QO room at LITA 5th floor Teleportation stretching and its finite-resource version for continuous-variable systems

Talk by Paolo Zanardi on Tue 6 June

30 May , 2017 - Seminars

On Tue 6 June, 14.00 in Aula Polvani, Paolo Zanardi (University of Southern California) is going to deliver a talk about Quantum Coherence Power, Maximally Abelian Subalgebras and the Grassmannian Geometry.

Sabrina Maniscalco visiting AQM

24 May , 2017 - Visiting

Sabrina Maniscalco (University of Turku) is visiting the group from 29 to 31 May 2017. On Tue, 30 May at 14.30 in Aula A, she will deliver a PhD colloquium about Quantum probes for complex systems.

Talk by Matteo Bina on Wed 31 May

24 May , 2017 - Seminars

On Wed 31 May, 14.00, Auletta Ottica Quantistica (piano 5 LITA), Matteo Bina will deliver a talk about Continuous-variable quantum probes for structured environments

Alberto Porzio visiting AQM on April 26

27 Mar , 2017 - Seminars,Visiting

Alberto Porzio from the SPIN institute of CNR (Napoli) will be visiting us on Wed 26 April, 2017. Alberto will deliver a seminar at 12:30 room A5/S2, LITA Building Encoding and Direct Detection of Continuous Variable Entanglement in the Orbital Angular Momentum Space CV entangled beams carrying OAM are successfully generated by converting entangled polarization modes into vortex beams. Entanglement is […]

That’s the story – The last original voice from the Manhattan project

22 Mar , 2017 - News,Outreach

The AQM  and Quantum Technology Lab of Università degli Studi di Milano are proud to present the projection of the documentary That’s the story – The last original voice from the Manhattan project, an interview to Roy Glauber, Nobel Prize in 2005 and last surviving member of the theory division of the Manhattan Project. The projection (in English, 52 min, Italian subtitles) […]

Seminar by Gianfranco Cariolaro on Tue, March 7

22 Feb , 2017 - Seminars

Gianfranco Cariolaro, Professor Emeritus of Quantum Communications at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova, will be visiting AQM on Tue March 7, 2017 and will give a seminar in Aula Polvani at 14:30, entitled Unified Theory of Gaussian unitaries and Gaussian states

Congrats to Jacopo and Zeudi!

24 Jan , 2017 - News

On January 19th, 2016 our PhD students Jacopo Trapani and Zeudi Mazzotta defended their theses and obtained their PhD degree from the University of Milan. Jacopo’s thesis is on Stochastic noise approach to non-Markovian decoherence in continuous variable open quantum systems, while Zeudi’s is on Positronium laser excitation in the AEgIS experiment. We congratulate with Jacopo and Zeudi […]