Pure and Applied Quantum Mechanics Group j

Tony Apollaro joins AQM

6 Oct , 2016 - News

Tony Apollaro joined our group on October, 1st with a post-doc position, funded by the QuProCS project (EU PROACTIVE H2020). Tony obtained his PhD in Physics in 2006 from University of Calabria. Before joining AQM he has been a post-doc fellow at the Department of Physics of the University of Calabria. Welcome Tony and keep up the good work!

2nd AQM meeting @ Venice

16 Sep , 2016 - Conferences

The 2nd AQM meeting took place at the Hotel Il lato azzurro in Sant’Erasmo, an island in the Venetian Lagoon, from 25 to 27 June 2016. Three days of sun, wind and quantum technology in a beautiful environment.

Talk by Francesco Albarelli on Thu 15 Sept

13 Sep , 2016 - Seminars

On Thursday 15 September, 2016 at 12 AM in Aula Ottica Quantistica, A5/S2 LITA, Francesco Albarelli will give a talk about “Measurement-based continuous-variable quantum computation and simulation”

Salvatore Lorenzo joins AQM

16 Jul , 2016 - News

Salvatore Lorenzo joined our group on July, 1st with a post-doc position, funded by the QuProCS project (EU PROACTIVE H2020). Tore obtained his PhD in Quantum Physics & Technology in 2013 from University of Calabria. Before joining AQM he has been a post-doc fellow at the Department of Physics of the University of Palermo. Welcome Lorenzo and keep up the […]

Steve Campbell talk on Thu, July 21

13 Jul , 2016 - Seminars

Next week Steve Campbell from Queen’s University Belfast will be visiting AQM. He will give a talk on Thursday, July 21, 14.00 at Aula Ottica Quantistica (5 piano LITA) entitled “The cost of achieving finite time adiabatic dynamics”

Marco Genoni joins AQM

1 May , 2016 - News

Marco Genoni joins AQM as an Early-Stage Researcher within the EU project ConAQuMe (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action H2020-MSCA-IF-2015. Congratulations to Marco and welcome aboard!

Steve Campbell talk on Wed, April 6th

1 Apr , 2016 - Seminars

Steve Campbell (Queen’s University Belfast) will give a talk on Wed, April 6th at 2.30 PM in Aula Polvani, entitled “Non-equilibrium thermodynamics, equilibration, and thermometry of trapped cold atoms”

Call to accelerate Quantum Technologies across Europe

1 Apr , 2016 - Science news

Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, Gunther H. Oettinger, and Minister of Economic Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Henk Kamp, today visited QuTech, a world-class institute building devices for Quantum Computers and Quantum Internet in Delft. The Commissioner and the Minister stated that action is needed to ensure Europe remains a world […]

Nicola Lo Gullo joins AQM

1 Apr , 2016 - News

Nicola Lo Gullo joined our group today with a post-doc position, funded by the QuProCS project (EU PROACTIVE H2020).